Diocese of Gothian Organization in Kapisi | World Anvil
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Diocese of Gothian


The Diocese of Gothian, is an Island Theocracy located on the biggest of the Western Isles. It is the State of the Kefali Tacoma, the leader of the Organized Tacoman Church. The Capital Gothian is located at the foot of Jabal Tacoma the Mythical Mountain where it is said the Gods interact with the Realm of Mortals most often granting wishes and Visions. The Diocese is fundamentalistic in its interpretation of the Tacoman Religious Laws and as such not really hospitable for the Infidel.

Notable Settlements

Gothian, the Capital of the Diocese and Sacred town to the Tacomans
Mina, the Harbour on the eastern Coast where most of the Pilgrims from the Mainland arrive
Sipston, a Trading Hub to the Northern Parts of the Narrows and Administrative Capital to the norhtern parts of the Diocese
Amarrage, the legendary town where the ancient Gentibus made their first Home
Marais, a town known for its peat mining operation and Badlands full of bandits
Marais Castle, the Fortress left by an forgotten Invasion reclaimed by the Diocese for its Location in the Marais swamp
Collport, a flourishing Whaling post and Headquarter of the Narrows Trading Guild




As the Worldly Realm of the Tacoman Church it is treating the Faith quite Literally and enforcing Scripture almost to the Letter
Founding Date
Believed to be 173 BHR with the City of Gothian
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Divine State
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official State Religion
Related Ranks & Titles

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