Collport Settlement in Kapisi | World Anvil
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A Major whaling and trading Town on the South-Western Tip of Terrelue. The Narrows Trading Guild has made it their headquarters, though not wholeheartedly welcome by the Citizens and the Diocese . There is a powerstruggle between the Guild and the Diocese, Guild is trying to proclaim Collports independence and avoid Taxes on their lucrative Trade as also remove as many sanctions on their other "business practices".


The town is surrounded by a long wall and a split river serving as a moat. The town can be accessed through 3 gates connected to the surrounding land by bridges or through its big Harbour.

Industry & Trade

The town supports basic industry of all kind but is known locally for its strong beers and world wide famed for the Traders of the Guild


The Town has a comparetevely big harbour which is caused by the large number of merchants which settled down here or founded a subsidiary enterprise here.


  • Tower of the Narrows Trading Guild, Principal Seat of the Administration for the Trading Guild
  • Residence of the Trading Master, Residence of the Guildhead 
  • Town Dungeon, Dungeon and Armory of the Town
  • Cathedral to Sulv Lavina, Seat of the local Archieras
  • Academy Diocèse, University of Terrelue 
  • Treasury of the Guild, Fortified Complex with the Vaults of the Merchantguild
  • "the Dry Rudd", an Inn frequented by shady people
  • "to the Blinding Belltower", a cheap lodging for travelers
  • "the suggestible Blacksmith", Tavern for the better-off and Noble Hostel

Guilds and Factions

The Narrows Trading Guild has settled its Headquarters in the "Guildtower" and conducts their operations from there. The merchants of the town struggle for more autonomy mostly about taxes they have to the Diocese which disilikes the Influence the Trading Guild posesses in the town and on the Trade of the Region.


Due to its central location on the searouts going through and around the Western Isles it seemed like foretold that Collport became a flourishing city of naval trade and subsequently the at least nominal Headquarters of the Trading Guild
Location under
Owning Organization

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