Old Ammarage Settlement in Kapisi | World Anvil
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Old Ammarage


The part of Ammarage which the people refer to as "old Ammarage" is what remains of the Town when the Gentibus abandoned the City. Said to be the site were Etrix and Aerel led their Children, the Gentibus, into the known world. The place where The Covenant, is also located within what is considered the old Town. Though the Speculated site is near The Obelisk where the Ruins have been cleared and now wealthy Mansions reside. After the fall of the Gentibus the buildings were abandoned and crumbled under the gnawing tooth of time and Decay. The Limits of the Ruins Stretch for many parts and are largely unexplored due to a maze-like streets which some say might even be alive.

-1350s BHR

Founding Date
-2760s BHR
Location under

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