The Obelisk Building / Landmark in Kapisi | World Anvil
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The Obelisk

Near the Collport-Gate in Ammarage resides a giant polished granite Obelisk. Said to be built by the Gods themselves on the site where the legendary Covenant of the Gentibus was created.

Purpose / Function

Commemoration of the Divine Alliance between the Spirits, Gods and the Gentibus.


A pillar of polished Granite with a square base of two metres. It towers with twenty-five metres over the surrounding houses and is decorated with golden runes that spiral over its sites. The Runes are known to be Part of the Language of the Gentibus, yet the words they form are not able to be translated into the common tongues.


As per many things of the Gentibus the creation of this Artifact eludes knowledge by the scholars of the common nations. But after the Abandonment of the Covenant  it is one of the best preserved Architectural Artifacts of the Aetas Gentibus. With the resettlement of the Ammarage-Trough it was set as a center-piece of the main roads in Town and the people who own a House overlooking the Place on which the Obelisk stands are owned by only the most Prestigious of Ammarages citizens.
Alternative Names
Monument / Statue, Large
Parent Location

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