Sulv Lavina "the Prophet" Character in Kapisi | World Anvil
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Sulv Lavina "the Prophet"

Sulv, Kefali Tacoma Lavina (a.k.a. "the Prophet")

Sulv Lavina was a humble servant of the Gods. Born into a Family of Farmers in the Minori Lowlands, around 135 BHR, Lavina set out to stake the Shamali Mountains in the Name of the local Duke. Caught in a Storm and seeking refuge in a Cave, the Gods made Lavina their Voice by granting Lavina Visions of a City on a Mountain. Humbled by the supernatural experience Lavina set out and inquired about similiar Visions. After Years of search, more Visions and an emerging following now Sulv Lavina set foot on the shores of Terrelue in Ammarage. The local residents expelled the Following and they set out to the Mountain Jabal Tacoma and founded the City of Gothian at its foot. The now Kefali Tacoma Lavina, a title granted by the gods through the inhabitants of Gothian, wrote many of the convents of the Tacoman Faith, establishing the Church of Tacoma. The passing of the Sulv lavina was a shock for many of the Disciples, in search of a new leader they sent their most devoted up to the Peak of Jabal Tacoma to select a new Kefali, which then had to assume the Heir of Sulv Lavina and lead the Church.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
the First Kefali Tacoma, Sulv of the Faith, Founder of the Divine City
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
around 135 BHR
198 BHR 135 BHR 63 years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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