Church of Tacoma Organization in Kapisi | World Anvil
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Church of Tacoma


Organized Church   The Church is organized in the Following Ranks, in Decreasing order
  • Kefali Tacoma , Head of Faith in the Worldly Realm
  • Archieras Nationales , National Leaders of Faith inserted by the Kefali Tacoma
  • Archieras , regional representatives of the Kefali Tacoma, responsible for regional matters for Priests, Elect the new Kefali Tacoma amongst the Archieras Nationales
  • Priests, Leader of parishes ordained by an Archieras

Mythology & Lore

Jabal Tacoma, the Sacred Mountain, Place of Divine Interaction, the first Kefali Tacoma Sulv Lavina was commanded to make a home for the faithfull and lead them into the light of the Gods.
The Gods grant those who are favoured Vision if they Pray near a Blessed mountain though almost all pilgrims to the City of Gothian are granted the Favour. These messages from the Gods are cryptic but said to lead to wisdom, riches and prosperity to those who can decrypt them.
The Gods Created the Spirits of the World to care for their creation. Though the Spirits are custodians the Virtuos are granted the right to work and live on the Land.

Cosmological Views

Kapisi was Created by the Seven gods as a Home for their Creation.

Tenets of Faith

There are 16 Commandments in the Faith
  1. Praise the Gods and their servants the Spirits as the Divine Powers, for they are what gave Life and they might take it away.
  2. Serve your People and their Society, for the Divine Powers are allmighty but not all caring.
  3. Honor the Word you give, for your word is your best Tool in life.
  4. Do not take more than you need, for others might need it more.
  5. Humility is the way of the gods, for hubris leads to your Fall.
  6. Jabal Tacoma is the Realm of Interaction, though other Places are Blessed.
  7. The Church is the Structure of Praise, though the true faith lies within you.
  8. Not all are equal, but all are Unique and difference brings Identity.
  9. Use what the Divine Powers gave you, for if you do not use it who else will?
  10. Help those in need, for you might need help in the future too
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These Commandments serve as a guide for the Faithfull and foundation of Tacoman Religious Law
Religious, Organised Religion
Leader Title
Notable Members

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