Kapisi History of Northern Kapisi Timeline
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History of Northern Kapisi

Major Events concerning the Northern part of Kapisi

Aetas Gentibus

... 1354 BHR

The Era of the Gentibus

  • -2763 GTE

    21 /7

    the Rise of Gentibus
    Era beginning/end

    the Beginning of the Gentibus Realm

  • -1386 GTE

    3 /5

    Abandonment of the Covenant

    The Divine Powers Abandoned their Covenant with the Gentibus with catastrophic results for their former Protectees

  • -1354 GTE

    23 /10

    Fall of the Gentibus
    Era beginning/end

    The Last of Gentibi falls

Aetas Urbes

860 BHR 2 BHR

The Age of the foundation of city-states and their federation and Conquests to Kingdoms, Empires and Countries

  • -753 AU


    The City of Shihon was fortifed marking its year of foundation

  • -173 AU

    Founding of Gothian

    Founding of the Gothian at the foot of Jabal Tacoma

    More reading

Aetas Bellum

0 BHR 1492 HRE

The Beginning of Historical Records - in the Nomin Empire - and the Wars on the coast of the Narrow Ocean

  • 0 HRE

    16 /9

    The Start of Historical Records in the Nomin Empire
    Era beginning/end

    With the Expansion of the First Major Settlements the Historical Records and the Record of Time were established

  • 0 HRE

    16 /9 01:00

    Nomin Empire is Established
    Political event

    The Nomin Empire was established and Began the Aetas Historica

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    Nomin Empire
  • 36 HRE

    166 HRE

    Rise of the Ashanti Kingdom
    Military action

    The Polis of Shihon expands in response to the Conquests of the Nomin Empire and reforms into the Ashanti Kingdom

  • 613 HRE

    708 HRE

    Ashanti War of the Birds
    Military action

    With the Heirless death of the Ashanti King Came a Succession Crisis which lead to the "War of The Birds" leaving the throne empty. The Nomin Empire used the turmoil and interfered on a massive scale. This lead subsequently to the loss of many territories of the Ashanti Realm to puppet warlords Loyal to the Nomin.
    This Period came to an end with the Orcish armies under Queen Amafrey XIX securing firstly the throne, followed by almost all of the lost territories except the former Capital Shihon which Was annexed by the Empire

  • 691 HRE

    26 /2

    Union of the Orc Tribes and Ashanti Kingdom
    Political event

    The Ashanti Queen Amafrey XIX Starag married the Orcish Heir Thokk to secure the Orcish Tribes of the Alssahil Provinces on the Northern Coast to join the crowns and retake the Minori-Lowlands after securing the Ashanti Kingdom for herself

  • 1342 HRE

    Dissolution of the Elvish Earldom
    Political event

    Under Pressure of both Ashanti and Nomin Influence the Eastern Elvish Earldom dissolved. After Being Formed only one year Prior as the specter of a Major War between the ancient rivals haunted the Elven Forests.