Gothian Settlement in Kapisi | World Anvil
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The City of Divine Enlightenment known as Gothian was founded on the foot of Jabal Tacoma, the sacred Mountain. It is a site of Pilgrimage to the Tacoman Faith. It is said that through its proximity the Gods will bless you if you rest in the City or pray high on the mountain.


Being Founded few generations before the Age of Recording it is said that the First Kefali Sulv Lavina was guided by the gods to the Place where they wished to Interact with their believers.


As the Holiest Town of the Tacoman faith it is a Site of Pilgrimage and Countless people go on the Trip to Climb the mountain or Pray in the Temple of Sulv Lavina hoping to recieve the favour of the gods
Founding Date
estimated Year of 173 BHR
Alternative Name(s)
City of Divine Enlightenment
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization

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