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The Father

As the head of faith to the Nine, I would explain to a foreigner that The Father is the head of the Nine Gods, and he is responsible for the flow of time and the seasons. He is a god of hard labor and is known to oversee the daily toil and struggles of the people. The Father is often portrayed as an older, wizened figure with a long white beard, holding a staff that represents the passage of time.   The Father is also associated with the concept of paternity, representing the role of a father figure in a family. He is known to be a strict but fair disciplinarian who guides and protects his children. His teachings emphasize the importance of hard work, discipline, and the pursuit of knowledge. The Father also values order and structure, as they are essential for the well-being of society.   As a deity of time, The Father is believed to control the natural rhythms of the world, including the cycles of day and night, the changing of the seasons, and the movement of the stars. He is also said to have the power to grant or withhold blessings, such as good weather for crops or success in battle.   Overall, The Father is a revered and respected figure in the pantheon of the Nine, and his influence can be seen in the daily lives of the people. His teachings and guidance serve as a foundation for a well-ordered and prosperous society.
long white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
very pale wrinkled skin
The Nine
Aligned Organization


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