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The Nine

The Religion of the Nine is a relatively new belief system that has swept across the kingdom of Karkanna in recent years. The Nine Gods were first introduced to the world through the dreams of High King Devon Torran, who claims to have been visited by them and tasked with conquering all of Karkanna in their name. Since then, the Nine have become the sole deities worshipped in Karkanna, and any other gods or religions are seen as treasonous and punishable by death.   The Nine are a pantheon of gods, each with their own distinct role and sphere of influence. They are worshipped collectively as a unified whole, with High King Torran serving as the head of the faith. There is also a High Priest or Priestess who deals with the day-to-day affairs of the clergy and ensures the proper execution of religious rituals.   The Nine Gods are:   The Farmer - God of agriculture, fertility, and growth. The Farmer is often invoked during planting and harvest seasons and is seen as the patron of those who work the land.   The Father - Head of the Gods of the Nine, the Father mainly rules over Time as well as hard labor jobs.   The Mother - The Mother is the God of caring for others. She is often invoked for mercy and forgiveness and is seen as the most compassionate of the Nine.   The Burned - God of Light, fire, and destruction. The Burned is a powerful deity who is feared and revered in equal measure. He is often called upon for protection against enemies and disasters.   The Wise Man - God of knowledge, wisdom, and guidance. The Wise Man is often consulted for advice and insight, and is seen as a mentor to those who seek knowledge.   The Sailor - God of the sea as well as sailing. The Sailor is often called upon for safe voyages and protection against storms and other dangers of the sea.   The Silent One - The God of secrets and stealth. Many priests of the Silent One take a vow of silence, and breaking that vow results in their tongue being cut out, making them a mute for life.   The Warrior - God of combat and a good death. Anyone who dies in combat will spend eternity guarding the afterlife against those who might harm the dead or try to bring them back. The Warrior is also the brother of the Physician and they often argue about whether injured people should be saved or left to die.   The Physician - God of medicine and health. The Physician is often called upon to heal the sick and injured and is seen as a protector of life.   The Religion of the Nine has had a profound impact on the people of Karkanna, shaping their beliefs and way of life. The worship of the Nine has become deeply ingrained in Karkannan society, and its followers are fiercely devoted to their gods. The Religion of the Nine is not just a belief system, but a way of life for the people of Karkanna, and it will likely continue to play a significant role in their society for years to come.

May the Nine Have Mercy on our Souls

Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The New Gods, The Merciful Nine
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Permeated Organizations
Official Languages


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