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The Warrior

The Warrior, one of the Nine, is a god of combat, a god of battle and a god of a good death. His followers believe that he bestows bravery, skill, and strength upon those who devote themselves to him. Those who die in battle are said to spend eternity in his service, guarding the afterlife against those who would harm the dead or attempt to bring them back.
  The Warrior is often depicted as a fierce and formidable figure. He is commonly shown with a sword or spear in hand, ready for battle. His followers believe that he is an honorable deity who values courage, loyalty, and sacrifice. Many warriors and soldiers pray to him before going into battle, seeking his blessing and protection.
  It is interesting to note that The Warrior is the brother of The Physician, another of the Nine. The two often butt heads over the fate of injured people. The Physician, as a god of medicine and health, believes that all life is sacred and should be saved if possible. The Warrior, on the other hand, believes that a good death in battle is a noble fate and that those who are too injured to fight again should be allowed to die with honor.
  Despite their disagreements, The Warrior and The Physician are still respected as siblings and valued members of the Nine. Their followers often find themselves caught between the two conflicting ideals, struggling to decide whether to fight on or to heal their wounds and live to fight another day.
  In conclusion, The Warrior is a powerful and respected deity among the followers of the Nine. His emphasis on courage, loyalty, and sacrifice has inspired many brave warriors throughout the ages. As the brother of The Physician, he represents the dichotomy between life and death, and his presence in the pantheon serves to remind us of the delicate balance between the two.
Dark Brown
bald with a Brown Beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White skin with dark freckles


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