Rosilica Coral Material in Kathrir (old) | World Anvil
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Rosilica Coral

Roselica Coral is a special type of coral that can pull oxygen from the water into bubbles around it. These bubbles can actually get quite large, which is rather impressive.
It is often used for snorkle-like things and bringing oxygen into underwater structures.


Material Characteristics

Spiky, multicolored coral that is covered with bubbles 80% of the time.

Physical & Chemical Properties

It is able to draw oxygen out of the water and into bubbles.

Geology & Geography

It is found at the bottom of the Kosamic Sea in clusters.

Life & Expiration

The coral keeps it's oxygen-moving properties for about a year, then it goes dormant to grow. After the 1 year growing time, it's oxygen properties return.

History & Usage


It was discovered fairly early into the world's creation by the primordial Bryntesu while she was looking for a place to give to the people she had created, the Aquitzals.

Everyday use

It has been used in small pieces as a sort of snorkeling device, although breathing through it takes a little while to get used to. It has also been used in the Compass Rail Lines, an underwater bullet train, to keep oxygen in the train cars during their long journey.


It does need to be smoothed down due to it's spikes, then you have to wait a year before use so you know it's dormant cycles.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

The dust that comes form smoothing down the spikes is often used for dye, due to it's vivid colors.

Environmental Impact

There are strict limits on how it is harvested, making sure it doesn't die out is very important. Some still try to get it against the law by just mining it straight off of the reefs, and people are trying to find a way to stop them.

Reusability & Recycling

When it goes permanently dormant (From staying out in the sun for too long) it does make for a nice decoration and if it is large enough, a good building material.


Trade & Market

It is only sold in Calatria, the Aquitzal Capital.


It has to be stored in water, or at least having one side exposed to water.

Law & Regulation

If you want to buy it you have to buy it from certified stalls in Calatria, any uncertified stalls have acquired it illegally.
Art is drawn by me, made with Ohuhu Markers
5 gp per square foot
Uncommon, found only in one sea.
Vaguely of a rose-like flower, hence it's name
Common State
Related Locations
Related Species

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