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Siege of Pont and other events

Military: War


The protracted siege of Pont began with an inocuous river battle.
It became a cumbersome siege for both factions that drew out over almost two years.

After a brief river battle, Empire forces quickly moved on and through some tactical cleverness and committed fighters they gained a firm foothold and breached the very outer western walls of Pont.
Kingdom forces reinforcing Pont were confident in their position to hold off the Empire forces. The Empire, on the other hand dug in for a siege as they now controlled the western access to Pont

Pont is a sprawling river town with more than one line of fortification.
Consequently, the Kingdom calmly forfeited the outer wall when they were initially over run.
Trade along the Escondida River was occassionally disrupted during the siege causing some concerns in the town. However, for the main part, the Kingdom controlled much of the river and kept things moving reasonably.

The Camp outside the walls of Pont grew fairly continuously.
WIth small advances here and there. General Oakbane was working towards covering the perimeter of Pont as far as Contested Territory would allow.

The river was always a potential if not actual part of the battle field with several indluential actions occuring on water. Despite the Kingdom's control over much of the Escondida this did not deter the occassional Empire Navy ship or the various privateers from exploiting opportunities as they arose.

The weather had been friendly, if not damnably hot during the spring and summer at the start of the Siege.
Over the nearly two years both forces faced almost every weather condition imaginable.
Only three major encounters occured during the siege and many argued that the most fearsome enemy had been the resurgence of the Flowering Blight that had much wider spread implications than just the siege. It had a significant impact on drawing things out though.

Four major engagements occured along with various smaller actions of note.

The initial foothold was a major battle placing Empire forces in control of the outter western walls.
It was many months before the next move of significance.

Much time has passed since the Hadovean Empire armies first arrived at the Western walls of Pont. For the most part it has been somewhat a war of attrition with neither side landing a decisive blow although that could easily change quickly.
Although supply to Pont has occurred freely via the Eastern bank of the Escondida, having a large enemy force camped outside your Western walls for a prolonged period of time has been less than ideal and has meant that defensive resources have needed to be focused on the Western walls to keep the invading force at bay. It has also presented challenges to get resources from the Kingdom lands into Doomsayers Keep via land. A fact not lost on Doomsayers Keep, who up until the recent declaration of the Sacred Territories of Doomsayers Keep and the near completion of an alternative land bridge south along the Escondida, have campaigned heavily against the war in Pont on the grounds of their sacred neutrality and access for all. For the Empire’s part, their people have been largely supportive of the attack on Pont and see it as a valuable prize to be used as a staging point for further advances in Kingdom territory towards Bannockthorpe. That is not to say there has not been some pockets of dissent, lead chiefly by Senator Cigsiax, who was heavily opposed to the attack on Pont believing it was against the will of the Gods to attempt to cut off Doomsayers in any way from either faction or compromise their ordained neutrality. This of course led to heated debates in the Senate between the Senator and the Empress (who clearly did not share the Senator’s view). However, with the changes to Doomsayer’s Keep situation referred to above and the successful assassination of Senator Cigiax by perpetrators unknown, this dissent has largely evaporated. Maintaining the supply line to the Hadovean forces has been challenging. Firstly, they have had to deal with numerous bandit raids in their lands north of Doomsayers Keep. These bandit raids have recently quietened down considerably. The Hadoveans have also benefited from supply from nearby contested territories no doubt keen to avoid the Hadovean forces turning their gaze towards their lands. They have also benefited from supply from “totally independent merchants who under their own free will and totally not at the behest of the Duke of Moridale have decided to support them”. The recent failed counter attack by the Kingdom forces up the Escondida river designed to break up these “totally independent merchants who …..”well you get the gist, presented a flow on opportunity to the Hadovean Empire that they have been able to exploit to at least breach the walls of Pont and gain access to the Western Outer Pont. Now they must take the opportunity and secure Western Outer Pont. This is not without risk. Failure to do so could be catastrophic, but success could present them with the Opportunity to attack the centre of Pont. Interestingly some early and subtle signs are emerging that these totally independent merchants who yada yada yada are starting to become reluctant to support the Hadovean Empire’s cause in this area. A cynical person might suggest that perhaps their support revolves around prolonging the battle rather than resolving it. As for the Kingdom, General Yox has become somewhat of a folk hero inside of Pont for keeping the enemy at the walls thus far (although there are pockets who are dissatisfied believing that she should have driven the invaders out by now). There is a feeling that something must break soon, be it in their favour or against it. The enormity of the stakes makes many in high places nervous. Cities and towns further into Kingdom territory watch on with nervous anxiety, with many forced to contemplate what will happen if Pont were to fall. The Hadovean General Oakbane (who has become a bit of a hero in her own rights back in Mirthstone) has recently communicated the following address to the citizens of Western Pont: “Your cries of ‘mercy’ I have noted, Geldheimers. Bend the knee and you will be spared. Bring across your House and Holdings, and you will be elevated. We desire less the death of an enemy than the friendship and camaraderie of the genuinely penitent. Turn from your rebellion and build tomorrow with us. Or perish in the ashes of yesteryear’s treachery.” The overwhelming response from those behind the Pont walls was, perhaps, not what the general had desired but none the less not surprising “General Oakbane. Go fuck yourself. Pont shall not fall”
In a surprise move the Kingdom attacked the besieging army from the north utilising the River.
They were repelled though after a bitter battle.

This was followed up swiftly...

After the failed Kingdom counter attack to the north along the Escondida River, General Oakbane knew the small and challenging window of opportunity to push into outer Pont would not be open forever.
It would not be without risk, there were breeches in the outer walls that could be exploited but the Geldheimers would continue to fight fiercely ensuring that any inch or ground taken was paid for in Hadovean blood. A failed attack could be catastrophic; however, victory could place her insight of the centre of Pont. A prize well and truly worth the risk.
Although unsuccessful the attack was still damaging the Pont defenders, and, importantly, the sacred statue of Pont had been destroyed in a wilful act of destruction.
General Oakbane was fatally wounded and a contingent of officers was assigned to escort her body home.

General Yox surveyed the small section of crumbling wall with great concern while the Geldheim engineers worked frantically to repair it. This was the 3rd such report in a week. To the casual observers this would be unsurprising given the large Hadovean force outside their walls, however since the death of their beloved General Oakbane, Hadovean attacks has been next to nothing in the area while they take time to regroup. It was as though after standing solidly for hundreds of years the walls of Outer Pont were just beginning to crumble away for no apparent reason. Add to that, the reports of spoiled water in wells in Outer Pont. Once again for no apparent reason. Officially it has been blamed on sabotage however those in high command knew this was not the case. The Mage's Enclave has been called in to investigate the phenomenon, Yox hoped they would find an answer before the damage becomes noticeable. Yox knew what had to be had to be done. If this issue grew worse and the Enclave could not find a solution then the situation in at least Outer Pont would grow graver, The Hadovean force needed to be removed and driven back well away from Pont, the recent death of the Hadovean General presented the Geldheimers with a rare opportunity. The Geldheim force would attack the Hadovean camp at night. May fortune favour the bold.
Despite being a close run thing overall, the Kingdom did so much damage in their initial onslaught that the Empire forces could not fully recover.
Several valiant stands were made during the battle, the horses were protected, even at the loss of the command tent.
A dispirited Empire army, mourning the loss of their general and taken by surprise could only give ground in the end. They were dispersed into the wild lands. The forces would regroup out there of course, however, they would begin the long march home - the siege was done.
Mirthstone concurred, despite their desire for the siege, or more importantly, the taking of the town - it had become too drawn out and the will for it waning.
Of course, the walls were still crumbling and water still fouling...

The conclusion of the siege gave the Mages Enclave and the Scholars (particularly) much safer access to study the phenominon as it was taking place.

The scholars were relatively quick to connect the destroyed statue to the current set of problems.
Ongoing study was now exploring options to undo the damage done.

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