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Battles Large and Small

  • 207



    The Orc incursion
    Military action

    A massive Orc army sweeps south towards the capital. This was a short live push by these Orcs, however, because it was completely unexpected, they gained a lot ground, but their lack of supply lines and poor discipline their raid fizzled out.   It is thought none of the Orc Warband survived.   It is also only gossip at best regarding where they came from.

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  • 223


    The Succession Wars 223 AE to 250 AE

    Queen Iselda was dead. Soon after the war for succession begins

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  • 250


    The Fall of Aringale – 250 AE
    Military action

    The end of an Era.

    Ashnoor's fabled capital Aringale falls to the Erayax

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  • 1253

    10 Avlene

    26 Soeyre

    The Brittlestone Mine
    Military action

    The Brittlestone Mine

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  • 1253

    26 Wieyar

    26 Wieyar

    Vespilli River campaign: 26 Wieyar 1253 AE
    Military: Battle

    Despite furious resistence it was a short day's work to finalise this campaign.

    Almost frustratingly fast considering the months of hardship and sacrifice it had taken to get to be here on this day.

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  • 1254

    23 Xumdione

    6 Grigori

    Uaimh Coibheniel campaign
    Military action

    As campaigns go this was a relatively short one, as far as the fighting went.

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  • 1254

    23 Xumdione

    6 Grigori

    Empire expands it's territory
    Military action

    A decisive victory having defeated a sizeable group of defenders in the field at the first battle of the campaign.

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  • 1254

    10 Ildres

    27 Ayvla

    Siege of Pont and other events
    Military: War

    The protracted siege of Pont began with an inocuous river battle.
    It became a cumbersome siege for both factions that drew out over almost two years.

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  • 1254

    25 Behblin

    26 Avlene

    Vespilli taken
    Military action

    Geldheim launched a second attempt to take Vespilli under their direct influence.

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