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Vespilli River campaign: 26 Wieyar 1253 AE

Military: Battle


Despite furious resistence it was a short day's work to finalise this campaign.

Almost frustratingly fast considering the months of hardship and sacrifice it had taken to get to be here on this day.

“Bloody mage” she swore, it was an important part of her stock in trade to see through disguises usually. This old mage though, every time he had need of her services, advice (or just some fresh fish) he could sneak up on her and have her completely fooled until revealing his identity. It was infuriating. He paid well though and always bought some fish. This time was no different. The objective was very broad as well, to say the least. She wasn’t required to kill anyone to fulfil this contract, it didn’t mean she wouldn’t need to, or simply wouldn’t – but it was an unusual aspect to the mission for her. Protect some statue in some piss stain town in the wilderness country that no one wants… OK – how hard can it be she chuckled.

Securing the ground – securing supplies:

Dread Wolf spat as he surveyed the wreckage. The three wagons had gone over the edge the day before last and they had just come to their resting place now. No sign of the animals – they wouldn’t have survived, wolf sniffed the air. Scavengers was a fair guess, but then, one couldn’t be too sure ever. Snap. It was one small branch breaking, but the sound rumbled in Wolf’s head like an alarm bell sounding. He crouched low. Always the thought, could be nothing, could be something…

He sensed movement before it came into focus. An arm reaching for one of the packages spewed out of the disintegrated wagon wreckage. They were not alone here at all, he let out a brief but distinct whistle and the place erupted. Having already conjured, when three foes rushed at him, one fled in fear immediately, Dread Wolf then turned upon the other two – a dagger flashing flung at one then staff whirling in a blur, smashed his way past them dropping one to the ground unmoving. The other gave pause before fleeing to another fight. Dread Wolf caught a glimpse of Kindred moving among a group, nodding acknowledgment. He then heard the command bark the order to capture our resources back… Tristan watched from his vantage point, well aware he was securely out of sight. The battle was slow starting really but when the two forces joined in battle it became chaotic really fast. He searched for the “spot” where he could maximise his arrows in slowing down, stopping or disrupting the enemy. He did not like the idea of the Kingdom strengthening their position tactically with this town. Tristan faded into the trees and made his way towards the main town and a secret way in.
No sooner had the Kingdom forces appeared to retreat than they turned back and hit the ambush hard. After a furious onslaught, they managed to recover a lot of their lost supplies, Wolf roughly estimated enough to go on with and sounded a withdrawal.
Appearing almost instinctively, a group of the wolf pack and a dozen or so barbarians broke form the main force and formed up together to block a small pass and cover the main force advancing on the town - their objective.
The ambushers, a collection of Empire fighters and local militia had been successful in delaying the Kingdom army and relieving them of some supplies. For the size of their force, arguably a success - it was difficult to establish what their losses may have been.
Likewise, the small mixed unit were successful in halting the ambushing group's progress and clearing the way for their main force, at great cost though. They stood their ground to the last and cut a significant swaith through the opposition forces.
The Gates

Kindred surveyed the gates from a position he was confident kept him well hidden. Guards on the wall moved around irregularly... Damn, that's awkward he thought to himself.
On the other side of the walls, Rodrick peered out though his looking glass. Whilst he could see no sign of friend or foe the hairs prickling on his neck were more than enough to go on. Something was about to happen.
No sooner had the thought dissipated than a blood curdling scream penetrated the quiet and enemy forces broke cover in a well coordinated attack.
Rodrik fired off a few shots, felling some attackers, before he turned and began to bark orders at his own people, setting up a defensive cover fire.
Briney would bide her time her job would really begin only if the Kingdom forces gained entry to the town. So, she waited sipping tea, outwardly appearing calmly.
Kindred considered their losses in getting to the wall and ruefully acknowledged that just considering the numbers, they had done quite well.
The assualt on the town seemed to roll along slowly, considering the violence, until the gates fell. That broke some of the local's resolve as Kingdom forces flooded into the Town.
A surprising final stand though made for an almost indecisive battle - arguably, the Citizen militia were the winners, given neither faction force was strong enough to influence their town.

Whilst the town was not completely subdued, they would not be recovering from this battle in the immediate future.
Likewise, neither Geldheim or Hadovean forces would be in a position to return for at least several months with ongoing campaigns up and down the borders (and just off the coast).
A second battle for the town would occur in 1254,

The town was isolated somewhat close to the border of the Kingdom of Geldheim - the King would insist soon enough that they come into the fold one way or another...
Substantially damaged during this first battle, it would be many months before the town and it's people are fully recovered.

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