Knight-Commander Eienhart Character in Kelkanor | World Anvil
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Knight-Commander Eienhart (I-N-Heart)

Ser Einhart (a.k.a. Deathwing, The Night Witch, The Shade Hunter)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ser Einhart is a well respected general within Stormwind, though it was not always so. Einhart grew up in an Orphanage within the walled town of Knights Haeven a town well known for its deep rooted relgious beliefs. In the streets of this town Einhart grew up with the other urchins, fighting for survival and taking handouts from the church. Einharts life is unassuming until his 16th brithday, where the young man was offered a poition within the local templar chapter as an acolyte.
Within the churches wall Einhart learned the martial arts of war, studied the Platinum code and devoted himself to Bahamut. He strived for greatness earning himself many accolades among his fellow acolytes for his bravery, skill and above all else his kindness and willingness to teach his peers. It was upon the eve of his 21st birthday that Einharts destiny changed yet again.
The acolyte and soon to be Knights-Templar was out on a investigating reports of dark fey creatures in the forest when he came across a fallen Griffin whose wing was broken, seeing this armored beast in trouble Einhart stayed with the beast while his companions continued on. After Days of channeling healing magics into the beast it allowed him to ride it so Einhart could continue on with his companions, and luckily in the nick of time he arrived fighting off the coven of hags they had discovered. The skill at which he fought mounted upon this winged beast was undenyable, and so he was given the chance to return the beast in person to The Order of the Griffin, who upon seeing his bond with the griffin and hearing tales of his exploits offered him a knighthood within their Order.
Ser Einharts Story from here is filled with heroic exploits but his rise to Knight Commander came with time, his devotion to the Order, his skill with a blade, his strength of character all earnt him the title of Knight Commander of the Order of the Griffin.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The Night of Witches - Ser Einhart single handedly performed a daring night raid on the Alzanah; a clan of orcs, who tell tales of the time a witch of the night unleashed hellfire upon their warriors. The raid is notable for Ser Einharts use of the Dragons Breath Lance, which spewed flames upon the unspecting Orcs.
Reigning Champion of the Grand Joust - Ser Einhart defeated Varian Wrynn 6 years ago during the Grand Tourney.
Slayer of the Red Dragon Malak'Vaygor - Einhart left with 50 Knights and 200 men-at-arms to Slay the beast, and only he returned with the Head of the beast clasped between His Griffins claws.

Failures & Embarrassments

The Fight with the Red Dragon Malak'Vaygor ser Einhart beleives is his biggest Failiure leading 250 men into the Dragons Mountain Lair where they were quickly obliterated by its firery breath. Ser Einhart remembers the fallen every year by holding a memorial of the fallen whose death kept the town of Griffin Heights safe from the Dragons Flames.

Eienhart is a proud and Nobel man. Willing to defend his kingdom with his life. Eienhart will always have a deep respect for his home of Griffin Heights.

Character Location
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Lawful Good
Current Status
Meeting with King Varian Wrynn and the other Knight-Commanders to discuss the next stage for the Expansion Campaign
Current Location
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Cut from his mother by a strange fox masked Doctor who mysteriously disappeared after dropping the babe off at the local Orphanage
Knights Heaven
Current Residence
The Grand Erie
Bright Green, Rounded
Short, Red, Military Cut
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Callous, White, Fair
Hepostrist Pantheon
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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