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Pressmann Forest


Pressmann Forest is located in the heart of the Forest Lands, surrounded on all sides by large plateaus of green grass fields sparsely populated by pastoral subsistence farms, beyond this the Forest is bordered by 4 other forests, Elwynn, Okten, Hilt and Thorn. Pressmann receives most of its nutrients via a slim meandering river not commonly placed on maps; The Strumfluss. Strumfluss flows as a tributary of the major river The Vein to the west, Strumfluss offers adventures and explorers a clean slightly electrifying source of water and a clear landmark to follow to get in and out of the forest without getting lost. The Forest its self is unlike the flat plains that surround it, Pressmann has many rolling hills covered in the oak and pine trees that make up the majority of the Forest.
Alternative Name(s)
Storm Woods, The Storm Oak Woods
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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