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Previously owned by Ridgewell Remington Baronwald of Pressmann Forest, his son Bartholemew Remington has now inherited the title after an Inquisitor visited his father and discovered the Baronwalds illegal ownership of an inquisitors sword. Bartholemew now resides in the local Tavern/Inn; The Wood Pecker, since the inquisitor who arrested his father accidentally burnt their family manor down.   Remington employs the local Reeve of the village a friendly gentlemen by the name of Isaac the old. Isaac has been a resident of Pring for over seventy years and has come to be respected by the village more so than the current Baronwald. Isaacs duties are that of any Reeve, he collects Taxes, Adjudicates disputes between locals and ensures the villages security.

Industry & Trade

Pring relies on the lumber mills that trade with the merchants that travel through the village usually heading to the capital city of Stormwind. Traders will purchase lumber and sell it to the wealthy merchants in the city as well as trade with the locals. Pring thrives as a stopping point for travellers and just so happens to have one of Stormwinds most valued resources; Storm Oak, a substance impervious to lightning and fire, and used exclusively by the kingdom to build their ships. With the recent war with Aoura over Stormwind is looking to rebuild its nearly obliterated navy.


Pring's main resource is Lumber, being located between 3 major forests it sees its fair share of lumberjacks looking for work. Any traveller looking for work will find plenty with the 2 competing lumber mills in the village; the Rebmul family and a shaggy half-orc by the name of Shorog.   The Rebmuls trace their linage back to the founders of Pring and have chopped timber for centuries delivering it to Stormwind via the trade caravans that pass through, they own two large circular saws they like to brag are dwarven made, but any real inspection can see this is a boastful lie. The Rebmuls are a family who has been struck by tragedy Mary and Martin (Wife and Husband) lost their son Marcus to Lung Rot a terrible disease that sees the infected cough and shiver for weeks before their lungs turn to stone making it impossible for them to breath. Their son has been buried in the local church by father Kost. The Family has fractured after this tragedy with the father crazed on obtaining the secrets to harvesting Storm Oak and the mother shacking up with the recently missing Sarah Webster.   Shorog's mill is much smaller with no large mechanical saw, only a walled Mill and his secret technique as he calls it. Shorog has been tolerated as he has discovered a method for cutting and harvesting the mysterious "Storm Oak" a material so valuable the Stormwind Navy has been building its ships exclusively from it. Shorog doesn't share his technique for cutting the Oak, but the locals know he uses a strange tribalistic looking axe to do it. Without the locals knowledge Shorog has taken to the orphan child who appeared in the village a few years back the young boy known as "Corkie".     There is a local blacksmith, a dwarven fellow; Rurik Letghur. The smithy has moved to the village from the city of Strom and keeps to himself but often can be found in the local tavern drinking himself into jovial spirits. Rurik performs basic maintenance for the lumber mills and independent farms in the local area, often sharpening axes and the odd sword for the local Crownies.


Pring's Ponderies

Owned by and run by Ellis, a beautiful fair skinned woman with a keen eye for business, her last attempt to arrange a deal with goblins fell through but that hasn't stopped her from concocting new schemes to make money. Her shop is a general goods store, where many locals come for their day-to-day needs be it lantern oil, gardening tools or gaming dice to pass the time with, prings ponderies has it all. The Shop itself is notable for the giant bobble head mascot of a large oval shaped head with a moustache.   


The Local church is devoted to the worship of Uriel and provides basic services for any who pass through. The Local vicar; Revil Kost is a former Templar but since he is no longer able for active service he chose to lead his flock rather than defend them. He still keeps his Templars armour and weapons and is always ready to pursue justice when the Crownies fail.  


The Village is home to four knights of the order, these all wear the green sash and serve under Knight-Lieutenant Wayne who does not reside in Pring. The 4 knights within Pring are led by Ricktor commonly called "Rick", Morty, Samson and Elizabeth. The 4 knights patrol the local area but are currently still investigating the fire that burnt down the Remington Manor. The Crownies have a small outpost in the village that consists of a watchtower, 4 cells and beds for 6 knights.   

The Wood Pecker

The Wood Pecker is the most popular location in the whole village. Owned by the human Wilson Wood, the wood pecker is a tavern and inn welcoming all who wish to spend their coin and drink. The Tavern attracts many travellers who are following the road that connects Stormwind to the rest of the Kingdom to the West. The Wood Pecker offers drinks exclusively brewed in the nearby by brewery; Pressmann Aleworks (see Alcohols of the Kingdom Excel spreadsheet).   The Wood Pecker is strange because as long as people can remember there has been an endless hole in the centre of the tavern, and no one knows what has caused this hole or why Wilson has not boarded it up, but one local patron has taken to standing near the hole and warning people of its ... holiness? He is called Tom.
Founding Date
128 p.d.
Location under


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