
Duskvare is a formidable, dark, and gloomy town located in the eastern reaches of the Keraian Empire, near the ominous borders with the undead kingdom of Myltery. Governed by the military, Duskvare stands as a bulwark against the constant threat of undead incursions. The town is encircled by the dense and foreboding Whispering Woods, a forest that gradually gives way to treacherous swamps as it nears the border with Myltery.

In stark contrast to the rest of the Empire, Duskvare's skyline is dominated by large, imposing stone buildings with gothic architecture, their spires and buttresses casting long shadows over the cobblestone streets. These structures serve as barracks, prisons, and military offices, giving the town an austere and unyielding atmosphere. The most prominent feature of Duskvare-except its heavy walls- is the towering Temple of Siona, dedicated to the goddess of death and magic. The temple’s dark, ornate facade looms over the town, its interior filled with flickering candlelight and intricate carvings depicting the delicate balance between life and death. This sacred place not only serves as a center of worship but also as a sanctuary for the town’s many arcane casters, who are vital in defending Duskvare from the undead forces of Myltery. The influence of Siona permeates every aspect of life in Duskvare, where the grim realities of death are ever-present, and magic is both a weapon and a shield.


  • Humans 10%
  • Dwarves 5%
  • Other Races 5%


Duskvare is governed by a strict military regime, operating under the direct authority of the Keraian Empire. The town's administration is led by a top-tier military officer, known as the Commander, who holds ultimate decision-making power regarding all matters of defense and security. This role is crucial, as the Commander is responsible for orchestrating the town’s strategies against the undead forces of Myltery. The Commander’s position is subject to change based on the Empire's directives, ensuring that Duskvare’s leadership remains aligned with broader imperial interests.

Currently, the role is held by Senior Officer Edric Valdor, a seasoned veteran magus whose experience and tactical acumen are vital in maintaining the town’s formidable defenses. Valdor's leadership is characterized by a disciplined approach and a focus on fortification and magical defense, reflecting the town’s unique needs and the ever-present threat from the undead.


  • The Bastion Keep
  • The Temple of Siona
  • The Arcane Sanctum
  • The Twilight Plaza
  • The Whispering Woods Outpost
  • Alignment: NG
  • Caster Level: 12
  • Language: Common
  • Wealth: 25,000gp
  • Allowance: 4,000gp
Founding Date
512 ADA
Alternative Name(s)
All the images used are AI generated by the author, unless otherwise stated.


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