
General Information

Siona, known as the Keeper of Souls and the Star of Magic, is a powerful and benevolent deity who governs the natural cycle of life and death. Residing in the Underworld, she ensures that every soul finds its rightful place in the afterlife, while also serving as a guardian of arcane knowledge and the ancient forces of magic. Revered by dragons, arcane casters, and elves, Siona embodies the balance between death and renewal, guiding her followers to embrace the inevitability of death as a vital part of existence. Her sacred symbols—a cardinal’s feather and the color purple—reflect her connection to both the mysteries of the cosmos and the natural world.



Siona is one of the primordial gods of Kena'an, emerging from the divine essence of Novirath at the moment of the first mortal's death. Alongside her twin sister Zinxa, she was created to guide souls to their final rest, preserving the delicate balance of life and death. Their initial harmony was shattered when Zinxa, driven by a thirst for power, sought to consume souls to increase her strength. Siona, committed to the sanctity of the natural order, opposed her sister, leading to an eternal conflict between them.

As a goddess, Siona also plays a crucial role in the arcane arts. She is revered by arcane casters and dragons alike, and she is credited with the creation of the shadow elves, gifted to her secret lover, Ephelion. Her relationship with Ephelion is a source of contention with Verana, who views their union as illegitimate and threatening, especially after the birth of Silanthas.



In her true form, Siona is depicted as a figure of ethereal beauty and immense power, appearing as a multihanded woman with a radiant but ominous entropic aura. Her eyes glow with the light of distant stars, symbolizing her deep connection to the cosmos and magic. Her hands, each holding a different mystical artifact, embody her control over death, magic, and the flow of souls. Her presence is simultaneously calming and awe-inspiring, representing the inevitability of death and the continuity of life.



Siona teaches that death is a natural and necessary part of existence, a final rest that returns energy to the world to fuel new life and magic. She emphasizes that death is not to be feared but embraced as a reward for a life well-lived. Siona vehemently opposes undeath, viewing it as a perversion of the natural cycle and a grave insult to her domain.

As the source of magic in Kena'an, Siona channels arcane power to sorcerers and wizards, teaching them to harness the forces of the universe responsibly. Her reverence for knowledge is paramount, and she values the preservation of ancient wisdom, particularly in the arcane arts. She is also the protector of good-aligned dragons, who revere her as the embodiment of magical and spiritual purity.


Clergy and Temples

Temples dedicated to Siona are often located in mystical places, constructed from dark stones that shimmer with a subtle, magical light. These temples are prevalent in large cities and areas of significant magical power, radiating an aura of arcane energy. Inside, they are richly decorated with carvings and symbols that reflect her domains of magic and death.

Her clergy, known as the Keepers of the Feather, are easily recognized by their luxurious purple silk robes adorned with silver jewelry. These priests are not only spiritual leaders but also scholars, curating extensive libraries filled with rare tomes of magical knowledge. Siona’s temples are renowned for these libraries, which serve as invaluable resources for those seeking to master the arcane arts.



Siona's role as the Keeper of Souls and guardian of the natural cycle of death places her at the center of a complex web of relationships within the Pantheon. Her most significant and challenging relationship is with her twin sister, Zinxa. Although they are bound by blood, their rivalry over the domain of death is fierce and relentless. The Underworld, once a unified realm, is now divided between them—Siona presides over one half, while Zinxa rules the other. Despite their conflicts, Siona recognizes that her sister's existence is essential to maintaining the balance of the natural order. Her ultimate aspiration is to reunite the plane of the dead, hoping to redeem her sister and restore harmony to The Underworld.

Siona's bond with her father, Novirath, is one of loyalty tempered by a sense of fairness. While she supports him, she often finds his judgments too harsh. During The Purification, Siona sided with Novirath, and her powerful magic played a crucial role in their victory.

Siona shares a deep and forbidden love with Ephelion, the god of arts and love. Their relationship is passionate and profound, inspiring both of them in their divine roles. Together, they have a son, Silanthas, the God of Travel and Trade, whom Siona cherishes above all else. She has gone to great lengths to protect him, even altering his appearance and sending him to wander the material plane to shield him from the wrath of Verana.

One of the most perplexing and painful aspects of Siona's existence is the intense hatred Verana, the Lady of Dreams, harbors toward her. From the beginning, Verana has opposed Siona's relationship with Ephelion, going so far as to attempt to dispose of their son on multiple occasions. Siona cannot fully understand the depth of Verana's animosity, but it remains a source of great sorrow and frustration for her as she navigates the treacherous waters of divine relationships.

Siona's relationship with Levar, the Trickster, is one marked by betrayal and mistrust. Levar has deceived Siona on two significant occasions, the first being during the creation of The Lost Fields, a mysterious and treacherous realm that confounds even Siona's understanding. The second and more personal betrayal occurred when Levar intercepted the soul of Lilyore before it reached The Underworld, transforming her into a new deity and further complicating the divine balance that Siona strives to maintain. Despite this, Siona remains vigilant, wary of Levar's schemes but recognizing the necessity of his existence within the broader cosmic order.

Siona's feelings toward Lilyore are complex. While she does not hold personal animosity toward the newly ascended goddess, Siona views her existence as an affront to the natural cycle of life and death. The fact that Lilyore was once a mortal soul intended for The Underworld makes her a constant reminder of Levar's treachery. However, Siona also sees potential in Lilyore, understanding that her unique position as a goddess who once walked the mortal realm might offer insights into the mysteries of life and death that even Siona herself does not fully grasp. This duality makes their relationship one of cautious interest, tinged with the ever-present shadow of Levar’s interference.

  • Symbol: A Cardinal’s Feather
  • Titles: The Keeper of Souls, The Star of Magic, The Lady of Entropy
  • Home Plane: The Underworld
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Portfolio: Magic, Arcane, Death, Knowledge, Good, Dragons
  • Worshipers: Dragons, Arcane Casters, Elves
  • Cleric Alignments: NG, N, CG, LG
  • Domains: Knowledge, Magic, Repose, Skalykind, Void
  • Sub domains: Memory, Arcane, Ancestors, Souls, Dragon, Stars
  • Favorite Weapon: Dagger
  • Sacred Animal: Cardinal
  • Sacred Colors: Purple
Divine Classification
Intermediate God
All the images used are AI generated by the author, unless otherwise stated.


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