
Serathis is a thriving coastal city, the third-largest in the Keraian Empire, with a population of 80,000. Established nearly 600 years ago, after the Empire's conquest of the Alyrath Islands in 334 ADA, Serathis serves as a vital link between the mainland and the far-flung reaches of the Aerithia Archipelago. It is also the nearest point of connection to the city of Ardenfell, making it a key maritime hub.

The city’s layout is defined by its strategic position on a steep hill, which offers natural defense against the ever-present threat of pirates. As one ascends through Serathis, the narrow, winding streets reveal a blend of whitewashed buildings with terracotta roofs, vibrant marketplaces, and ancient stone walls that speak to its long history. The architecture and atmosphere are deeply influenced by the surrounding sea, with the scent of saltwater always in the air and the sound of waves never far away.

Ruled by Nicodymus Darkbane, an elder diplomat personally appointed by the emperor, Serathis is a city of contrasts. The common people, who make up the majority of the population, are deeply connected to the sea. Many are fishermen, sailors, and traders, their lives revolving around the ocean that both sustains and challenges them. In contrast, the city’s authorities are strict and heavily militarized, reflecting its role as the gateway to the Alyrath Islands, where convicted criminals are exiled. This duality gives Serathis a tense, yet vibrant, character—where the everyday bustle of commerce and daily life coexists with the stern presence of the empire's law.

The city's cultural diversity is evident in its markets, where goods and influences from across the empire and beyond can be found. Despite the tight control maintained by its rulers, Serathis remains a dynamic and lively place, its people resilient and resourceful, shaped by the ever-present sea and the city's long-standing role as a sentinel at the empire's edge.


Humans 80%

Elves 10%

Half Elves 5%

Half Orcs 2%

Other Races 3%


The government of Serathis is distinctly autocratic and militaristic, operating under the direct authority of the emperor. The city is ruled with an iron hand by Nicodymus Darkbane, an elder diplomat whose primary loyalty is to the imperial throne. Under his leadership, Serathis functions as a tightly controlled stronghold, reflecting its strategic importance both as a coastal defense against external threats and as the gateway to the Alyrath Islands, where criminals are exiled.

The governance of Serathis is marked by strict regulations and a strong military presence. The city's guards and soldiers are well-trained and vigilant, ensuring that order is maintained and the emperor's will is enforced without question. The autocratic nature of the government leaves little room for dissent, with decisions made swiftly and unilaterally by Darkbane, whose authority is absolute. This rigid structure is necessary to manage the city's unique challenges, including its role as a hub for maritime trade, a defensive bastion against piracy, and a point of transit for those bound for exile.

  • Alignment: LN
  • Caster Level: 10
  • Religion:Multi Religious
  • Language: Common
  • Wealth: 70,000gp
  • Allowance: 7,000gp
Founding Date
334 ADA
Large city
All the images used are AI generated by the author, unless otherwise stated.


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