Shadow elf


Children of Siona, the goddess of magic and death, the Shadow Elves are a rare and elusive race in the modern age. Though often mistaken for their more nature-oriented elven cousins, the Shadow Elves are a distinct and mysterious people. Unlike other elves, they are more secluded, and tales speak of their once-great civilizations hidden in the shadows. These unique societies have long since fallen into ruin, leaving behind only ancient relics, fading oral traditions, and a dwindling number of their kind. Today, the remaining Shadow Elves often blend into the larger cities of the world, passing unnoticed as ordinary elves, their true heritage hidden from all but the most discerning eyes.



Shadow Elves are tall and slender, with an almost otherworldly grace. Their limbs are long and delicate, with nimble fingers well-suited for intricate tasks and arcane gestures. Their skin is pale, often appearing nearly translucent, and their hair flows like an ethereal veil, ranging in color from shimmering silver to pure white. Over their extended lifespans, Shadow Elves experience little physical change after reaching adulthood, around 150 years old, maintaining their youthful appearance for centuries. Shadow Elves have lifespans nearly double that of their elven cousins, living up to 1,000 years on average. However, their low rate of reproduction has contributed to their dwindling numbers over the past millennia, making them an increasingly rare sight in the world.



Due to their extended lifespans, most Shadow Elves tend toward neutrality in their outlook on life. They view existence as a long, contemplative journey, one that ultimately prepares the soul to merge with the cosmos in the embrace of Siona, the goddess of magic and death. This belief in the inevitability and power of entropy shapes their understanding of the world, seeing life and death as natural, interconnected forces.

Shadow Elves have a deep spiritual connection to the themes of death and transformation. They revere Siona not as a bringer of fear or destruction, but as a guide who leads souls to their next phase of existence. Their worship is often introspective and personal, with rituals that honor the passage of time, the fading of life, and the eventual return to the universe.

While they do not shun other deities, their primary devotion lies with Siona, and their cultural practices often reflect their acceptance of death as a natural and sacred part of life.



Type: Humanoid (elf)

Ability Score Modifier: -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma

Size: Medium

Speed: 30ft

Language: Shadow elves begin playing knowing Common and Elven. With high intelligence scores, shadow elf characters can choose from the following languages: Undercommon, Draconic, Sylvan, Gnome and Celestial.

Weapon Familiarity: Shadow elves are proficient with daggers, rapiers, longbows and shortbows, as well as with the exotic Crescent Blade

Crescent Blade

Darkvision: Shadow elves can see in the dark up to 60ft.

Elven Immunities: Immune to magic sleep effects and +2 to saves against enchantment spells.

Keen Sences: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.

Shadow Affinity: +2 racial bonus on Stealth checks in dim light or darkness. Shadow elves can try a stealth check in these condition even if they are observed.

Shadow Blend: While in dim light or darkness, spells of the illusion school casted by shadow elves have a +1 DC to resist.

Spell-like Ability: Shadow elves can cast Ghost Sound 1/day as a spell like ability. The Caster Level for this effect is equal to the Shadow Elf's character level.



Blended Heritage (Elven Communities): Growing up among traditional elves, these Shadow Elves have adopted some of the natural affinity and skills of their elven kin.

Replaces: Shadow Affinity

Benefit: Shadow Elves raised in elven communities gain the Low-Light Vision trait, allowing them to see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. Additionally, they receive a +2 bonus on Knowledge (Nature) and Survival checks, reflecting their closer connection to the natural world.

Urban Shadow (Human Communities): Shadow Elves raised in human cities learn to navigate the complexities of urban life, blending their natural abilities with the fast-paced and varied environment of human society.

Replaces: Keen Senses

Benefit: These Shadow Elves gain a +2 bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks, reflecting their adaptability and social acumen in human societies.

Deep Dweller (The Deep)

Shadow Elves who grow up in the Deep, the vast and dangerous underground realm, develop abilities suited to surviving in such a hostile environment.

Replaces: Elven Immunities

Benefit: These Shadow Elves gain the Darkvision 120 ft. racial trait, allowing them to see twice as far as other Shadow Elves in complete darkness. Additionally, they gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against poisons and diseases.

All the images used are AI generated by the author, unless otherwise stated.


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