
Vandoria is a picturesque city nestled in the northern borders of the Keraian Empire, near the elven kingdom of Zolirak. Though small, with a permanent population of just 8,000, Vandoria exudes an air of refinement and exclusivity. The city is known for its high cost of living, catering to the empire’s elite, including some of the most prominent nobles. The elegant architecture, with its grand facades and stately buildings, reflects the city's wealth and importance.

Vandoria is a hub of diplomacy and culture. Numerous embassies line its pristine streets, serving as the center of international relations between the empire and neighboring realms, particularly the elven kingdom. The city is also famous for its opulent ballrooms and grand halls, where lavish events and gatherings of the aristocracy are frequent. The social life of Vandoria is vibrant, with a constant calendar of balls, concerts, and formal gatherings that highlight the city’s cultural sophistication.

Despite its peaceful appearance, Vandoria is well-defended. The city maintains its own military force, known as the Ivory Lances, an elite unit renowned for their discipline and skill, tasked with ensuring the safety of its noble inhabitants and safeguarding the city’s strategic position near Zolirak. Governance in Vandoria is handled by a diplomatic council of nobles, each appointed by the empire. This council, composed of seasoned statesmen and influential figures, manages the city's affairs with a focus on maintaining its status as a bastion of wealth, culture, and diplomacy within the empire.

Vandoria’s blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and political significance makes it a jewel of the empire's northern frontier, where the elegance of high society meets the serious business of international diplomacy.


Humans 80%

Elves 15%

Dwarves 3%

Other Races 2%


Vandoria’s government is a diplomatic oligarchy, ruled by a council of nobles selected from the most prestigious houses of the Keraian Empire. This council, composed of influential aristocrats, governs the city with a focus on diplomacy, international relations, and the preservation of Vandoria’s status as a hub of high society and political maneuvering.

At the head of this council is the Grand Diplomat, the most powerful and influential figure in Vandoria’s governance. The Grand Diplomat is not only the foremost leader of the city but also a key player in the broader political landscape of the empire. This position is currently held by Aloria Rosecliff, a woman in her mid-40s with deep ties to the imperial family, as she is a cousin of the reigning Empress. Aloria’s influence extends far beyond Vandoria’s borders, making her a pivotal figure in the empire’s diplomatic efforts.

Under her leadership, Vandoria's council is focused on maintaining the city's role as a center of noble power and diplomatic activity. Decisions are made with careful consideration of both domestic and international implications, ensuring that Vandoria remains a beacon of stability and elegance within the empire. The council's governance is characterized by a blend of tradition, aristocratic privilege, and strategic foresight, reflecting the city's unique position at the crossroads of empire and diplomacy.

  • Alignment: N
  • Caster Level: 12
  • Religion: Mainly Lilyore
  • Language: Various, mostly Common
  • Wealth: 20,000gp
  • Allowance: 5,000gp
Founding Date
179 ADA
All the images used are AI generated by the author, unless otherwise stated.


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