BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


No matter how someone arrived in Kenos, they always find themselves bearing one of six subtle, tattoo-like marks somewhere on their body. These symbols are called Aspects, and are believed to represent fundamental truths of your soul. Your Aspect not only represents you, but it ties you to other souls in Kenos. You'll find yourself naturally drawn to some Aspects and repelled from others, as well as develop unique, empathic bonds. Aspects are also deeply tied to keeping Shards from succumbing to Discord, as you'll find that certain Aspects will be more effective in helping you reduce Discord's effect than others.


Aspect Bonds

There are six total Aspects, each named for the general personality they represent: The Advocate, The Exalt, The Harbinger, The Iconoclast, The Savant, and The Stargazer. These Aspects share bonds both positive and negative with each other, which arranges them neatly into the chart below.



Within their own Aspect, the empathic bond between Shards is at its strongest. When in the presence of another person of the same Aspect, you'll find that your emotions are transmitted much more readily and will similarly find theirs difficult to block out. Regardless of their faction, your own Aspect is unable to affect the level of Discord in a Shard or how it expresses itself.   Aspects adjacent to each other are complimentary. These are souls that the Aspect is drawn to and are the most effective at reducing the Discord in their Shard. A Shard that is Harmonized to the same faction will find Discord's effects minorly reduced, while one Harmonized to the opposite faction will find the effects moderately reduced.   Aspects across from each other are contrasting. These are souls that the Aspect is repelled by and increase the Discord in their Shard. A Shard that is Harmonized to the same faction will find Discord's effects minorly increased, while one Harmonized to the opposite faction will find the effects moderately increased.   Aspects without these bonds are only able to temporarily soothe the effects of Discord, but are unable to increase or decrease its actual level.


❈ The Advocate

  • CORE TRAITS: Compassionate, easy-going, finds joy in simple things, faithful
  • GOALS: To help others, find value outward rather than inward, see others achieve happiness
  • WEAKNESSES: Low self-worth; prioritizes others to the detriment of oneself; afraid of disappointing or burdening others
  Compatible With: Harbinger, Stargazer
Repelled By: Savant


✾ The Exalt

  • CORE TRAITS: Companionship, loyalty, single-minded devotion, finds purpose in 'their people'
  • GOALS: Being surrounded by those they've bonded to, protecting what's close to them or 'theirs'
  • WEAKNESSES: Devotion can become obsessive or blind; they can be manipulated by those they desire to please or believe in
  Compatible With: Savant, Stargazer
Repelled By: Harbinger


❉ The Harbinger

  • CORE TRAITS: Perseverance, determination, strong sense of personal motivation, enigmatic
  • GOALS: Competence, strength (of body, will, or both), tirelessly striving toward their envisioned dreams
  • WEAKNESSES: Potential for arrogance; can overburden themselves with duty or responsibility; may manipulate others wittingly or otherwise
  Compatible With: Advocate, Iconoclast
Repelled By: Exalt


❃ The Iconoclast

  • CORE TRAITS: Individuality, resolve, vengefulness, pride, non-conformity
  • GOALS: Being acknowledged and respected, usurping the status quo, being heard — whatever it takes
  • WEAKNESSES: A wounded pride deals them significant damage; spurred easily to anger or vindictiveness
  Compatible With: Harbinger, Savant
Repelled By: Stargazer


⚙ The Savant

  • CORE TRAITS: Possesses great imagination, ingenuity, inquisitive, intelligent, adaptable
  • GOALS: Solving the 'puzzle,' learning new skills, inspiring and supporting others through wisdom and/or creation
  • WEAKNESSES: Perfectionism; can become muddled in the details; fears of mediocrity or ignorance
  Compatible With: Exalt, Iconoclast
Repelled By: Advocate


✷ The Stargazer

  • CORE TRAITS: Living in the moment, vivacious, curious, exploratory, free-spirited
  • GOALS: Happiness, new and enjoyable experiences, personal enrichment and contentment
  • WEAKNESSES: Being perceived as bored or boring others; does not deal well with conformity or rigidity without personal gain; stagnancy
  Compatible With: Advocate, Exalt
Repelled By: Iconoclast

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