BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Past Oblivion itself lies Kenos, the world at the end of worlds…   Kenos is a strange land (if it could be called that) composed of an endless sea of stars, nebulae, and galaxies where equally endless island worlds float impossibly within them. These islands range in size greatly where some are only a mile across, while some are the size of small continents, and every single one is different. Each island is a broken off piece from a crumbled world, so far as anyone knows, and they all exist with their own unique features. Some have an eternal night with twin moons, some are alien water worlds, and nearly anything else you can imagine is probably out in the Astral Sea, including a fragment of your own world… Somewhere.   Navigating the islands is slightly more difficult, as each island is completely separated by space and all the limitations that come with it, including its vastness and the fact that the islands are constantly (slowly) adrift, which makes mapping Kenos itself a fruitless task. Luckily, a portion of the islands are a part of the teleportation network that Yima established — a piece of magic that every soul in Kenos possesses. There are always more islands out there for intrepid explorers to discover, but making your way to one without a Cornerstone tends to involve the power and influence of Yima herself or Helios' Legionary.  


A year in Kenos consists of 6 months. Compared to time in reality, 2 OOC months = 1 IC month. They are known as the following:  
  • Emru (January/February)
  • Pelu (March/April)
  • Erqu (May/June)
  • Warqu (July/August)
  • Iqnu (September/October)
  • Takiltu (November/December)
Because each island has its own sky and heavenly bodies that can differ, the passage of time in Kenos is instead tracked via the Tree of Life. Over the year, the leaves of the tree gradually change color through the full spectrum (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple). The new year is marked when the leaves turn crimson.  


  Much like the islands are diverse, so are the people of Kenos.   With the number of islands that may exist, it’s impossible to know how many people truly live in Kenos as a whole. Most of the people in Kenos are refugees from broken worlds, where some islands’ populations still freshy remember the trauma of their home being ripped into Kenos, while others are composed only of descendants where this event was so far back that it’s just a part of local mythology. You’ll find people of wide varieties of appearances, races, and species. It’s just as normal to see a human walking down the street as it would be a centaur, a cloven-hooved devil, or an alien unlike anything you’ve ever imagined. However, there’s another kind of person that is special in Kenos: Shard-Bearers.   Some Shard-Bearers came from another place and another world where they gained their Shard, but others find it in the roots of the Tree of Life. Regardless, they’re all hand selected by Yima to be plucked out of the Timestream to find a new life, and hopefully a new purpose, in Kenos. Shard-Bearers are something that has always existed in Kenos because you’ll even find people living in the world that are descendants of previous generations of Shard-Bearers. They may not have a Shard themselves, but it’s still a lineage that tends to be a point of interest. After all, Shard-Bearers may not be uncommon, exactly, but they’re a curiosity and mild wonder to the average people in Kenos.   Of course, when many arrive at once, that signals a new “generation”, and the history of Highstorm and Springstar knows well what this means. When many Shard-Bearers come to Kenos at once, it means tensions between the cities are likely to escalate in the near future. So naturally, a Shard-Bearer is treated with a small amount of caution around these times as well. Your arrival is an omen, though whether it’s a good or a bad one remains to be seen.


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