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Harmonization is the process of your Shard accepting the energies of Meridian or Zenith, but Discord is a natural consequence of that process. The abilities granted by Harmonization come from your Shard absorbing the latent energies that drive Kenos. You act as a conduit for that energy and therefore can tap into those unique abilities. However, the Shard will take in that energy endlessly and build up to the point that it causes ill-effects. These ill-effects are Discord.   OOC, Discord is a mechanic to encourage cross-faction CR, as Discord is best reduced by someone of the opposite faction (unless you’re opposed Aspects, at least). We recommend keeping a general track of your character’s Discord level, though this is a soft system meaning that there are no point values for what differentiates one Tier from another. It’s instead expressed much more generally, such as on the Aspect page, or you may be told by mods that your character’s Discord level has been decreased or increased by a tier because of IC actions.   This is a system to track and engage with as you see fit, because different characters may be more susceptible or resistant to Discord. If this is a system you prefer to not engage with for a particular time or even at all, then there are kind, unnamed NPCs in each city that will gladly reduce your Discord level for you.


Increasing Discord

Other than when directed by a mod, Discord is generally increased by the following actions, listed in their level of severity from lowest to highest Discord generation. Of course, if there's something along these lines that isn't listed, go ahead! This is a largely player-controlled mechanic, so have fun with it.

  • Using a Harmonized ability
    • While not quantified exactly, you can think of the Harmonized abilities (minus Purification) increasing Discord where Tier 1 is a tiny increase, Tier 2 is a small increase, Tier 3 is a medium increase, and Tier 4 is a large increase — large here meaning increasing Discord by one and a half Tiers.
  • Being away from your faction city for one week
    • Staying out of your faction city for four weeks (does not have to be consecutive) would increase your Discord by one Tier.
  • An action that compromises the character's morals
    • Depending on how deeply held of a principle it was, this could increase Discord by up to half a Tier.
  • Killing another person
    • Depends on the familiarity to the person being murdered and the morals of the Shard-Bearer. For an amoral individual, killing a stranger might not affect Discord at all, but by comparison, a more sensitive individual killing their best friend could cause Discord to jump a full Tier.
  • Dissipation
    • Depending on how traumatic the character found the death, this could bump up Discord by up to a full Tier.
  • Acting against the principles of or betraying your faction
    • Always bumps Discord up by one Tier.

Generally speaking, un-Harmonized Shard-Bearers do not accrue Discord from normal activities, though their Discord may still increase when directed by a mod, or as a result of special circumstances.

Tiers of Discord

Much like Harmonization, Discord has four distinct levels of build-up, though how Discord expresses itself in a person depends on the type of energy their Shard absorbs. A Harmonized Shard-Bearer will find that their Shard absorbs the energy of their own Faction, but an un-Harmonized Shard-Bearer will find that it absorbs both. Luckily, Discord can be balanced by Purification, which is a skill all Harmonized Shard-Bearers are able to use. However, they’ll also find that the effectiveness is highly influenced by the Aspect and Faction of each person.   The Tiers of Discord are as follows (minus Tier 0, where there are no effects):


Tier 1

A minor buildup of Meridian and/or Zenith. At this stage, effects are subtle and may be missed. They tend to be minute mental or physical changes that could be easily attributed to something else. A Shard-Bearer may experience some combination or variation of:   Meridian: Increased appetite (even if you don’t need to eat), hair and nails grow more quickly. Higher degree of impulsiveness and overall energy. Your Shard feels warm to the touch.   Zenith: Mild insomnia, lowered body temperature. Higher degree of assertiveness and/or aggression, yet paradoxically apathetic about their overall situation in Kenos. Your Shard feels cool to the touch.    

Tier 2

A moderate buildup of Meridian and/or Zenith. At this stage, the effects are much more noticeable not only to the Shard-Bearer, but also to those around them. Physical effects become more pronounced. Along with all previous effects, a Shard-Bearer may experience some combination or variation of:   Meridian: Higher degree of hope for Meridian’s goals and straying far from Springstar for longer than half a day starts to feel unpleasant. Hallucinations and/or dreams about returning to your world. Fear of the dark. May gain additional features such as horns, (non-functional) wings, or animals’ teeth. Your Shard feels hot to the touch.   Zenith: Higher degree of understanding of Zenith’s goals and straying far from Highstorm for longer than half a day starts to feel unpleasant. Hallucinations and/or dreams about living in your ideal way in a new world. Sunlight sensitivity. Sclera turn grey or black, and an ability to see in the dark as if it were daylight. Your Shard feels cold to the touch.    

Tier 3

A large buildup of Meridian and/or Zenith. At this stage, Discord begins to become dangerous not only to the Shard-Bearer, but those around them as well. Along with all previous effects, a Shard-Bearer may experience some combination or variation of:   Meridian: A loss of control of any abilities that do not come from Harmonization, such as canon abilities or those purchased through Activity Rewards. Using any of these abilities will find them increased in strength, but uncontrollably so, which may damage the user or others nearby. Parts of the body may begin fully transforming themed around the idea of “creation,” such as growing new limbs, combining their bodies with other animals, etc. The level of body horror is up to you. If someone else touches your Shard, it would burn them.   Zenith: A loss of control of any abilities that do not come from Harmonization, such as canon abilities or those purchased through Activity Rewards. More controlled than the Meridian expression, Zenith will find their abilities increased slightly in strength, but with a strong desire to use them against others. Parts of the body may begin fully transforming themed around the idea of “destruction,” such as taking on a more Eldritch appearance, limbs having a decayed effect, etc. The level of body horror is up to you. If someone else touches your Shard, it would give them an ice burn.    

Tier 4

An extreme, dangerous buildup of Meridian and/or Zenith. If you believe your character has reached or will soon reach this level of Discord, contact a mod. The effects at this level are unique to the individual.  


Koinonia, more commonly known as “bonding,” is a connection between Shard-Bearers that arises under two conditions: two Bearers have purged Discord together too many times in a row, or a Bearer involuntarily forms a bond with someone who needs their dangerously high Discord purged. OOCly, this process is entirely opt-in and meant to encourage characters to branch out and not rely on the same individuals for Discord-easing. It is also to be used to help reluctant characters alleviate their Discord if they are stubborn in doing so. You are free to use these mechanics as you see fit or not at all!


Koinonia: Entwined

To be entwined means that two Shards have engaged in Discord cleansing together one too many times; pieces of their souls have bled into one another and are causing increasingly unpleasant side effects, such as:  
  • Forced proximity. Characters may feel increasingly ill at ease when separated. Whether this manifests as a physical discomfort or a mental affliction is up to you, but it should increase over time until being out of the other’s line of sight is almost unbearable.
  • Sensation sharing. What might start as an interesting and quirky experience — knowing when the other person is hungry or feeling a phantom pain if they get a paper cut — rapidly becomes more difficult to deal with until both Bearers will find it incredibly hard to tell where one of them stops and the other begins. Is this pain theirs? Is this happiness their own? Their thoughts may become erratic and jumbled together. This becomes even more stressful when one Bearer in a pair is especially reckless or unstable, which could lead to harming them both.
  • Dream sharing. Your dreams should be a private and personal experience, yet you may find your dreams start growing increasingly intense until you and your entwined are trapped in hallucinogenic nightmares, even if you normally don’t require sleep.
  • Wildcard. Feel free to make up your own potential effects! Anything is fine as long as it’s fun for you to play with and fulfills the purpose of eventually nudging the pair toward separation.
  •   In order to free yourself of these troublesome effects, a ceremony must be completed:  
  • Approach The Tree. You must go to the Tree belonging to the faction of your entwined partner and touch your Shard to its bark.
  • For same faction pairs, this experience is incredibly painful and unpleasant — but the Tree will gradually reduce the Discord in both Bearers to a reasonable level. They will be weak and unwell for a length of time of your choosing (between 1-5 days) afterward; it should be unpleasant enough to discourage them from attempting to purify with one another for a while.
  • For opposite faction pairs, this experience should be spiritual. Touching your Shard to the opposite faction’s tree at the same time as your partner opens up both of your minds to one another — and the Tree of Life. Consider this a place where your character’s soul dictates how they appear and what can happen here; the sky is the limit, but the Tree will convey without words their objective is to share their reasoning and motivation that brought them to their faction. This can be memory sharing; it can be a trippy dream sequence; it could be a play on the stage of your mind or a simple monologue. Do whatever you’d like! The Tree feels you have grown too close and you need a reminder of why your feet have taken you in different directions.
  • Regardless the ceremony you choose, you will not be released from the Tree until it has cleansed your Discord or you have shared your motivation. Failing to do so may result in consequences, so please reach out to a Loremaster if that situation should take place.
  • Once the ceremony concludes, this pairing of characters will not be able to cleanse one another’s Discord until they have purified at least one other person or a month has passed, whichever happens first.

    Koinonia: Accord

    An accord is formed between two individuals — one who is in desperate need of their Discord to be cleansed (this threshold is up to you, OOCly), and someone of the opposite faction who is suitable to assist them (meaning not having reached critical levels of Discord themselves or of the same Aspect). This binds the two Bearers together to encourage their union through purification. The experience is meant to be pleasant and healing. When under the effect of an accord, characters may:

  • Find themselves drawn to and safe with their partner. Being in their presence feels comforting; you understand one another more easily and can open up more in this person's company. You’ll find it easier to reach a middle ground, even if you were previously antagonistic. If you were already friendly, you’ll be able to feel more in tune and connected to this person — it feels like talking to an old friend you’ve known forever, somehow.
  • Temporary boons while together. Maybe it manifests as a slight boost in your powers; maybe you feel more energetic and healthier when with them. Maybe you sleep easier or find yourself able to perform tasks with ease as long as your partner is nearby. This effect can briefly linger after the pair have purified their Discord up to a maximum of five days.
  • Wildcard. Again, this is intended to be used as a vehicle for Fun! Therefore, feel free to put your own spin on it as long as it would be a positive experience for both parties; the end goal is bringing them together for purification.
  •   The accord will be satisfied once the purification of Discord has been completed by this pair. It doesn't need to be entirely purged, but it should help reduce it to a safe level. Once this is done, this pairing will not be able to Purify one another for a month’s time or until they Purify with someone else, whichever happens first.   As a reminder, these are loose guidelines intended to give you more opportunities for some fun CR; we will not be policing any of this, so feel free to be flexible in both the criteria (how high your Discord reaches before this triggers, how many times you purify together, etc.) or feel free to ignore it altogether! Each soul and bond is different, so it makes sense what happens for one pair does not happen for another.

    This article has no secrets.


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