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Highstorm {LEGACY}

Under the serenity of perpetual moonlight sits Highstorm, a city of tranquility and calm. From the very shadows breathe a sense of comfort, of ease; it isn’t difficult to find oneself reflective and relaxed walking its well-kept streets, nor to see why its residents call it their sanctuary. The longer you spend here, the more your muscles will unwind and you will find your anxieties slowly dissolving away.   Though it is not as highly populated as its sister island, Highstorm is just as vast — but the city itself only covers a small surface area of the island’s face. A great majority of the land goes untouched, leaving rolling hills of deep purple flowers and thick woods to flourish. Natural lakes and ponds are picturesque spots for contemplation, reading, or simply getting away from it all. Zenites believe in the natural order of things — that allowing life to follow its cyclical pattern — is imperative. Thus, they do not crowd and suffocate the earth. Instead, they take only what they need and leave the rest to the whims of the elements.   Rather than being split into districts, most of the city is residential buildings and estates inhabited by its long-standing citizens. The average age of a Highstorm Zenite is in the hundreds, with some having lived thousands of years among Kenos' floating islands. Their pride is not in the expansion of their territories, but instead in the quality that can be found within them: each of their homes is exceptionally crafted and carries the aristocratic character of their people. The same can be said of each of their notable locations:

Faction Attitudes

Meridian: Negative. Meri are treated politely, but with an undertone of condecension. While lower-tier Meri are simply pitiable, more dedicated Meri may be targeted by opportunistic locals, and suffer anything from mean-spirited mischief to attempted murder.

Zenith: Extremely positive. Zenites are welcome and revered. Shard-Bearers may receive small gifts or favours from locals, who are eager to indulge their desires, especially as they prove their dedication further.

Faction Loyalty: Zenith   Geography: Populated by manmade buildings at the core of the island, which rapidly turn into untamed, gnarled, and forested wilderness beyond its borders.   Climate: Because of the eternal night, Highstorm is usually mild to cool in temperatures with four distinct seasons. Winters are cold and snowy. Highstorm’s seasons follow the Northern Hemisphere’s.   Level of Technology: Pre-Industrial Victorian era circa 1840s. Steam power has been imported from Springstar and is starting to gain interest. Difference Engines are an area of interest and study, as are dirigibles and telegraphs/telephones. Technology is driven by personal interest rather than need for innovation.   Notable characteristics: Highstorm’s two moons, Hatannu and Kallutu, rotate around the island, keeping it in a never-ending twilight.

Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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