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Ultra-Nationalist Groups

Japan has had a series of reactionary ultra-nationalist groups rise up in opposition to the liberalization of the country in the Taisho era. These groups seek radical militarism, economic autarky, de-liberalization of the government, and stricter enforcement of conservative social standards.  

League of Blood

                                      A group of radicalized young officers within the Imperial Japanese Navy. Led by the buddhist preacher Nisshō Inoue, the League of Blood is extremly anti-liberal, and rather than be fueled by Shinto beliefs, is primarily composed of devotees of Nichiren Buddhism. In 1932 the group diseminated 20 targets of the liberal regime, and an assassin was chosen for each one. Only two of the assassinations were carried out. The head of the Minseitō - Liberal party: Junnosuke Inoue, and the Director General of the Mitsui Zaibatsu: Dan Takuma. Two months later, the League of Blood succeeded in assassinating Prime Minister Inukai Tsuyoshi. In a trial the league of blood members dressed in religious garb and wore basket like hats concealing their faces. The public and the courts were sympathetic to the perpatrators since they had committed these acts on behlaf of the emperor. They were given light sentences, which would only serve to embolden other terrorists.  

Righteous Army

                                    A group of radicalized young officers within the Imperial Japanese Army. The group is led by Captain Shirō Nonaka, and seeks a "Showa Restoration" in the same way the Meiji Restoration brought things to correction. The Righteous army uses the motto "Revere the Emperor, Destroy the Traiors" emblazened upon their flag and written accross the headbands they tie around their peaked caps.  


Another young officer's group within the army. The Sakurakai vow to remove petty politics from society and cocnentrate power under the emperor. The group is led by Kingoro Hashimoto, but shadow supported by the influential General Sadao Araki. In 1931 the group made two failed attempts at a coup d'etat, the March incident and the Imperial Colors Incident. The leadership was subsequently arrested and the group dissolved  

Black Dragon Society

Founded by martial artist Ryōhei Uchida, the black dragons are a pan-asianist. Not having the same racial or specifically Japanese-nationalist sentiments that the other groups do, Black Dragon supports independence movements all throughout Asia, and sees Japan as the tip of the spear in creating an Asia for the Asians.

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