
Garru are known for their docile nature and their utility as beasts of burden, making them valuable for both practical and economic reasons. They have a distinctive, somewhat reptilian appearance, with thick, leathery skin that provides protection against the harsh environments. Their skin color can vary but is typically shades of brown or grey. They have strong, sturdy legs that support their heavy bodies, allowing them to travel long distances without tiring easily. Their feet are wide and clawed, providing good traction on various terrains.

Wild Garru

In the wild, Garru roam the plains and deserts in small herds, typically led by a dominant male. These herds stick to areas where food and water are available, migrating seasonally if needed. Wild Garru are cautious but not particularly skittish; they will flee from larger threats but quickly regroup when necessary. Travelers in the wild may stumble across a herd grazing in the plains or, in more dangerous cases, may find themselves facing a defensive, charging bull Garru.
Despite their usefulness, wild Garru are also hunted by predators, including larger carnivores like Bonedog and Canyon Raptors. These predators tend to target young or weakened Garru, though a healthy adult can easily fend them off.
"They leave you alone if you just stand still for a while."
— Tech Hunter Scout

Role in Shek Society

To the Shek Kingdom, Garru are not only valuable assets for transporting goods, but they also hold symbolic significance. The Shek admire the creatures for their strength, endurance, and ability to survive in the harshest environments. Though the Shek do not rely on Garru for combat (as they prefer to fight on their own terms), they value them as essential companions for their nomadic warbands and traveling warriors.
In Shek culture, owning a Garru is often seen as a sign of wealth or prestige. Warriors returning from a successful raid or conquest are sometimes gifted Garru as a reward, and many Shek warlords will outfit their caravans with Garru to carry their loot or supplies.

Domestic Life

Garru are very common as pack animals and mounts, especially by Tech Hunters and caravans passing through the more treachurous regions. However all Garru have strong and differing personalities which, if not properly tended to, can lead to outbursts of violence or disobedience. If a bond is nurtured, Garru can become the most loyal and fiercest of companions.


Garru are herbivours and while preferring green grass they will eat just about any plantlife. They have a thickly lined stomach that can handle even the deadliest of toxins. The large hump on their back can store enough water for a Garru to survive up to a month without water.


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