
The Queen's Herald

Leviathans are Gigantic Mammals indigenous to the Leviathan Coast in the northwest region. Leviathans are non-aggressive in nature, which only attack in self-defense or to protect their mate or young. Leviathans can grow to be over 100 feet tall with a hardened shell back often resembling stone. Their hide can be several inches thick making them extraordinarily hardy creatures. It is unknown how long Leviathan lives last, all witnessed deaths have been at the hands of the Leviathan Slayers Guild.

Life on Land and Sea

Leviathans spend equal amounts of time on land as they do floating at sea. Sometimes sitting in one place for months, they are often mistaken for islands.

Domestic Life

Leviathans were once thought to be as dimwitted as they are large. The Western Hive proved this false when Warmaster Pae marched a leviathan right up to the gates of Stack only to demand they buy the Queen's fish. Leviathans now make up the Western Hive main form of coastal transport. Carrying hundreds of hivers between the swamps of Vain and the Hut Islands every day. With a steady supply of fish a leviathan can be led into any environment or threat, making them a fearsome warbeast. However the Hive sees these Creatures as Heralds of the Queen and often throw their own lives away to protect them.


Leviathans are mostly herbevors with the exception of fish. They consume entire trees whole and are always on the move from one food source to the next. You'll never find Leviathans too far from the sea or swamps for this reason.

The First Village

Exerpt from a Fishers Tale


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