
Stack is a bustling city situated on the edge of Holy Nation territory, serving as a vibrant hub for commerce and a melting pot of cultures. Governed by High Inquisitor Seta, Stack stands as a testament to both the piety and the pragmatic tolerance that occasionally emerges within the rigid confines of the Holy Nation. Its strategic location near the Western Hive and The Hub has turned it into a magnet for traders, adventurers, and even a few daring thieves.

Points of interest

The Bright Gate:
The main entrance to the city, the Bright Gate is a grand and imposing structure that symbolizes both protection and the open exchange of goods and ideas. It is heavily guarded but allows passage to a wide array of traders and travelers, with the notable exception of Skeletons.
Pearl District:
Stack’s Pearl district is a bustling area filled with a variety of shops and stalls. From fresh produce and exotic spices to weapons and armor, the market offers a diverse range of goods that cater to the needs of locals and visitors alike.
Trade Houses:
Several prominent trade houses have established their bases in Stack, facilitating large-scale transactions and trade agreements. These houses often serve as intermediaries between the more orthodox elements of the Holy Nation and the diverse clientele that frequents the city.
The Chapel of Light:
At the heart of the city stands the Chapel of Light, a grand religious edifice where the faithful gather to worship Okran. High Inquisitor Seta often addresses the populace from here, balancing her sermons with the practical needs of governing a diverse and bustling city.
White Sprawl:
The residential areas of Stack are divided between the more affluent quarters near the city center and the modest homes of traders and laborers on the outskirts. Despite the Holy Nation’s rigid social structure, Stack’s tolerance has allowed for a relatively harmonious coexistence of different social classes.
Guard Barracks:
The city’s defenses are managed from well-fortified barracks where Seta’s soldiers are trained and housed. These troops are ever vigilant, maintaining order and protecting the city from both external threats and internal dissent.


  • Bread
  • Iron Products
  • Leather
  • Meat
  • Wheatstraw
  • Water

Tip from a traveller

You can find anything in Stack


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