Okran's Gulf

The Iron Frontier

A Region which comprises the western edge of the Holy Nation territory. It is likely given its name "Gulf" for bordering the alien-like Fog Islands, and like many other Holy Nation territories is named after their god Okran. It is also home to Stack, one of the Major Cities of the Holy Nation, where High Inquisitor Seta, the officer responsible for preventing invasion of various Shek factions from the South resides.


The majority of Okran's Gulf is characterized by expansive flatlands that stretch as far as the eye can see. While the land is arid, it is not barren. The soil here, though dry, is fertile enough to support hardy crops that sustain the local population. The plains are dotted with small farming communities that rely on irrigation to coax life from the dry earth. As one moves eastward, the flat terrain begins to rise into a series of rugged hills and mountains, especially near the border with Rebirth. These mountains are rich in iron, their veins running deep beneath the surface. The region is heavily industrialized, with many iron mines disrupting the natural landscape. These mines are the lifeblood of Okran's Gulf, providing a steady supply of ore to the smelters of Stack.

Localized Phenomena

To the west, near the edge of the region where the flatlands meet the Fog Islands, two significant Holy Nation military bases stand as sentinels. These bases are crucial in preventing the spread of the Fogmen, strange and dangerous creatures that pose a significant threat to the Holy Nation’s western territories.

Fauna & Flora


Ironbark Trees: These sturdy, gnarled trees are a common sight across the plains of Okran's Gulf. Named for their tough, iron-like bark, they thrive in the region’s dry, nutrient-poor soil. The wood is extremely strong, making it valuable for construction, but difficult to harvest due to its density.
Golden Wheatgrass: This tough, golden-hued grass grows in abundance across the plains, forming dense patches that sway in the wind. Golden Wheatgrass is a staple crop for the people of Okran's Gulf, providing food for both humans and livestock.
Okran's Blush: This rare and valuable flowering plant is found in sheltered valleys or near water sources, Okran’s Blush is a low-growing, delicate plant with soft pink petals. Its rarity makes it a symbol of purity and faith, often used in religious ceremonies by the Holy Nation.


Ironclaw Beetles: These large, armored beetles are a common sight near the region's iron mines and rocky outcrops. Named for their powerful, clawed legs, which they use to dig through the iron-rich soil in search of food, Ironclaw Beetles are both scavengers and predators.
Desert Runners: A common pack animal used by the locals, Desert Runners are long-legged, flightless birds similar to ostriches. They are well-adapted to the arid conditions of Okran's Gulf, capable of traveling long distances across the plains with minimal water. Their speed and endurance make them ideal for transporting goods between settlements.
Dune Hounds: These large, predatory canines roam the plains in small packs, preying on smaller mammals and scavenging near human settlements. Dune Hounds are muscular and agile, with sandy-colored fur that helps them blend into the environment. Known for their fierce loyalty and intelligence, some have been tamed by the Holy Nation’s soldiers.


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