Holy Nation

Children of Okran

The Holy Nation is a theocratic human state that controls a notable portion of the northwest lands of Kenshi. They are ruled by a "Phoenix" whom they believe to be a reincarnation of their first ruler. Their religion encompasses all aspects of their life and is based around the dualism of the holy creator Okran, and the demoness of darkness, Narko. Holy Nation citizens are often referred to as Okranites.


The Holy Nation tends to offer its citizens the best and the worst in terms of living conditions. As long as the citizens keep in line, do their job, uphold the law, and comply to the national religion, life can be fairly pleasant and productive. They are secular in nature but they take good care of their own people, offering aid such as food and medicine to those they find out in the waste. They are a xenophobic and zealous people who are oppressive towards non-human races, women, and anyone who does not agree with their religious beliefs. While that may appear bleak they are masters of agriculture and are the breadbasket of the moon, believing everyone from emperor to slave deserves a full stomach.


It is speculated that the Holy Nation originated from the cannabilistic northmen, forming as a cult under the watchful eye of their overlord. Eventually, the Second Empire cracked down on the cult, but instead of qualling it, they only gave the survivors more reason to hate them.
Likely, the cult emigrated south to a more hospitable land creating the foundations of the Holy Nation, and fueling their hatred of skeletons. Due to the conflicts of their past and their beliefs that Narko uses technology and science to tempt people to her ways, the Holy Nation maintains strict bans on almost all technology and research materials.


The military of the Holy Nation is referred to as the Holy Army. Paladins are perhaps its most recognizable force, though they are often supported by lower-ranking troops like Holy Sentinels, Holy Servants, and Holy Chosen. High Paladins and Inquisitors serve as the leadership caste, with the latter also functioning as elite religious police. Although the guards and soldiers of the Holy Nation are almost exclusively male Greenlanders, female humans can still be found serving as Caravan Guards, as well as Slavers at the Holy Mines. The rarity of Scorchlanders in Holy Nation territory is not due to any sort of discrimination, but most probably due to Scorchlanders not getting along with rules and religions.

Technological Level

While the Holy Nation condems the use of any "tech" they maintain the most advanced primitive tech on Kenshi. Their farms remain irrigated, wells full, and a general cohesion with the land is clearly present throughout every city. School is also required for all Okranite children, leading to a well read and mostly literate population. Skeletons and any robotic limbs are strictly forbidden and given the Emperors justice on sight.
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Government System
Official State Religion
Related Species

Burning of Bast

The Holy Nation led by The Phoenix Lord himself invaded the agricultural center of Bast without warning and razed Endin,Drin and Bast to the ground. There is now an all out war being fought in this region between the Holy Nation and United Cities with no clear side taking the lead.


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