
Scorchlanders are a subrace of Human and are very common all across Kenshi but most numerous in the Western deserts. Also sometimes called "Sundevils" they are very familiar with life under the hot sun.

Physical Description
Scorchlanders are anatomically similar to Greenlanders, but are differentiated by their darker skin color, bright eyes, and silvery or blonde hair. Most Scorchlanders stand 4.5 to 5.5 feet tall and weight 80-150 pounds on average.
Scorchlanders tend to value personal freedoms above all else. They don't tend to get along well with rules, regulations and religions, and as a result have a reputation as social misfits and are often found in more adventurous professions. Despite this however, they are highly creative, making them natural-born traders and skilled weaponsmiths. Honest to a fault, laughing in the face of manners, moderation and anything sensible, they make loyal friends, passionate enemies, and are great fun to drink with.
Many follow the ways of New Imperialism so long as they are at the top of the food chain. This is more born from complacency than a true belief in social hierarchy. Scorchlanders are a rowdy bunch and make for troublesome slaves, over time this has led them to many positions of power within the United Cities and it's affiliated guilds.
Scorchlanders hold no ill-will towards other races and are naturally some of the most welcoming people on the moon of Kenshi.
Scorchlanders often take a single name with generational postnominal. Names such as Seti the Fifteenth or Bastet the Eleventh although some break this tradition, going for less formal names.


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