Southern Hive

The Southern Hive, unlike their Western counterpart are highly aggressive and have a small tolerance for anyone from "The far away land". They are a monarchy ruled by The King, a god-like Hiver that sits atop his throne in Royal Valley. They also have some villages in Cheater's Run and The Hook.


The people of the Southern Hive are just as quick to cut you down for looking at them as they are to buy hashish for the whole bar. They are known for a deep love of narcotics and heavily produce all sorts of drugs and medicines within the kingdom. No-hives are extremely rare but many do so out of the greed of drug running or simple overuse. The production of these goods have led to a skilled agricultural population as well as the heavy use of slave labor.


The Southern Hive is relatively new to the moon of Kenshi only coming into existence within the last 100 years. Very little is known as they are entirely illiterate and do not keep record or allow many visitors. The Traders Guild notes that their first interactions with the Southern Hive were bloody ones however they were quick to see reason due to the kingdom being on the brink of starvation.


The Southern Hive keeps a large standing army and regularly patrols the entirety of the south in search of potential slaves. It's believed they organize their army similarly to the Western Hive by having a prince lead squads of soldiers. Some drones are present in the military but are mostly in auxilary roles like cooking or logistics. They are not in any declared wars but are openly hostile to anyone who looks weak enough to be taken, thinking little of the grander consequences.

Technological Level

Technology is very primitive within the Southern Hive, they rely mostly on trade for survival as well as delicacies. Some parts of Royal Valley are powered by slaves turning wheels for production purposes. While not against tech in itself the King believes his people rely too heavily on foreign influence and that technology will enslave them.

Foreign Relations

Rumors of escaped slaves claim the Southern Hive consumes it's captives. All the world knows for sure is a steady supply of slaves march in the gates and the walls grow just a bit higher. For this reason they have strong relations with the Slavers Guild and United Cities.
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