
It is believed that Widebrims were originaly the managers and construct operators of the Ancients. Most Widebrims have a higher level of understanding of their surroundings and are the least affected by The Madness, that plagues all Skeleton races. Today, Widebrims are mostly found within the Second Empire or in positions of power within the United Cities and Traders Guild.

Physical Description
Named after their large "brimmed" head, Widebrims are often mistaken for humans at a distance. They tend to have the most Human-like body form and many even wear cloth to conceil their mechanical bits. This affinity to clothing started as a mere disguise but over the centuries has turned to an obsession with vanity. Often the best dressed, Widebrims can be seen adorning the finest silks and armours. Some Widebrims will even choose servitude to a great house over freedom just for a chance to wear their crest.
Many Widebrims are seekers of knowledge both in the arcane and mundane. Their curiosity has made many of them socialable in nature and never afraid to butt-in with their question or knowledge of the situation.
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