Armored Warklins Species in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Armored Warklins

In the shadowy depths of Kermoria's underground, the armored Warklin reign supreme. These insect-like behemoths, reminiscent of colossal beetles, patrol the caves and caverns of the Himhineldar Shel and Dragon's Spine Mountain Ranges. Divided into two formidable varieties, the Maulers and Impalers, Warklins are a sight to behold. Maulers, with their robust frames and powerful mandibles, act as the guardians of their subterranean domains, while the slightly smaller Impalers, armed with a deadly horn-like protrusion, are adept at striking swiftly at any threat. Covered in a thick chitin exoskeleton, these creatures embody the raw essence of survival in Kermoria's underbelly.

Basic Information


Warklins possess a robust exoskeleton made of thick chitin, providing formidable defense. Maulers feature oversized mandibles capable of crushing and cutting through hard materials, while Impalers have a pronounced, horn-like appendage for stabbing. Both varieties have underdeveloped wings that flutter but don't support flight, suggesting evolutionary remnants. Their muscular structure is highly developed, particularly in their legs, allowing for powerful bursts of speed. Internally, Warklins likely have efficient respiratory and circulatory systems to support their size and activity levels in low-oxygen underground environments.

Warklins are equipped with six powerful legs, each ending in sharp, claw-like structures for gripping terrain and prey. Their legs are not only designed for formidable bursts of speed but also enable them to navigate the rugged underground terrains with ease. The distinction between Maulers and Impalers extends to their appendages: Maulers' front limbs are reinforced, allowing them to manipulate objects and dig through dense materials, whereas Impalers' limbs are more streamlined for swift, precise strikes.

Warklins' chitin exoskeleton is segmented into three primary sections: the head, thorax, and abdomen, providing both protection and flexibility. The exoskeleton is thickest around vital areas, with slight gaps at the joints to allow for movement. These gaps are minimal, ensuring almost no vulnerability. The chitin itself is layered, offering insulation and impact resistance, crucial for their underground lifestyle.

Genetics and Reproduction

Warklins lay their eggs in specially prepared nests within their underground habitats, ensuring a secure environment for the next generation. The gestation period is carefully timed to seasonal cycles, optimizing the survival rate of hatchlings. Upon hatching, the young Warklins are already equipped with a basic exoskeleton, which hardens and grows as they mature. This reproductive strategy, coupled with the species' communal nesting practices, helps maintain their numbers in the challenging environments of the Himhineldar Shel and Dragon's Spine Mountain Ranges.

Warklin eggs are roughly the size of a human fist, reflecting the creatures' significant size even at birth. Clutches typically consist of 5 to 10 eggs, allowing for a balance between offspring survival and the mother's ability to find a sufficiently protected nesting area within the underground terrains they inhabit. This clutch size ensures the continuation of their species while considering the resources available in their subterranean environment.

Growth Rate & Stages

Warklins experience rapid growth in their early stages, transitioning from larvae to fully formed adults in just a few months. This accelerated growth phase is crucial for survival in the hostile underground environment. They undergo several molts, shedding their exoskeleton to accommodate their increasing size. After reaching maturity, their growth slows, and they gain the full strength and durability of their chitin armor, preparing them for the challenges of adult life in the subterranean world of Kermoria.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Warklins, as apex predators of their subterranean realms, exhibit sophisticated hunting strategies that reflect their physical prowess and environmental adaptation. Their diet primarily consists of subterranean fauna, including insects, smaller mammals, and even other subterranean creatures that venture into their territory. The Maulers, with their powerful mandibles, are adept at crushing and dismembering prey, while the Impalers specialize in precise strikes to immobilize their targets swiftly.

Hunting is a silent, calculated affair for Warklins, who utilize the shadows and complex terrain of their underground homes to ambush unsuspecting prey. Their keen vibration-sensing capabilities and acute chemical detection allow them to track down meals with efficiency.

Regarding food storage, Warklins have been observed dragging substantial catches back to designated areas within their domain, often secluded chambers or behind natural barricades. Here, they can protect their hoard from scavengers and other predators, ensuring a supply of food even in leaner times. This behavior underscores their intelligence and territorial nature, marking them as not only formidable hunters but also strategic survivors in the challenging conditions of the underground.

Biological Cycle

Warklins adapt to seasonal changes by entering a state of reduced activity during colder months, conserving energy when food is scarce. This period allows them to survive harsh conditions in their underground habitats. As seasons shift towards warmer climates, they become more active, resuming their regular hunting and territorial behaviors. This cycle ensures their survival and ability to thrive in varying environmental conditions.

Warklins molt several times throughout their life, especially during their rapid growth phase in youth, to accommodate their increasing size. This molting process is essential for their development, allowing them to shed old exoskeletons for new, larger ones. After reaching maturity, molting frequency decreases but continues as part of their natural lifecycle, aiding in repairing damage and renewing their protective chitin armor. This biological process is crucial for maintaining their physical integrity and effectiveness as hunters and territorial defenders in their underground environment.


Warklins exhibit territorial aggression towards other species and members of their own kind, particularly in disputes over food or territory. They show dominance through physical displays and sound. Against predators, they rely on their formidable size and armor for defense, often standing their ground. When dealing with prey, Warklins are stealthy and strategic, using their environment to ambush and quickly subdue their targets with their specialized mandibles or horn-like protrusions.

Warklin courtship involves a complex display of sounds and physical demonstrations. Males perform a series of clacking or tapping sounds with their mandibles or horn-like protrusions against their exoskeleton to attract females. They also engage in a display of strength or prowess, such as moving heavy objects or demonstrating their ability to defend territory. These displays serve to prove their suitability as mates to females, ensuring that only the strongest and most capable Warklins pass on their genes.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Warklins are distributed across distinct regions in Kermoria, with significant populations in the Himhineldar Shel and Dragon's Spine Mountain Ranges. The largest concentration is found in the caves and hills around Kaerna Vista in the Province of Zoluren, where the environment suits their nesting and hunting preferences. Additionally, a few isolated hives have been reported in the Gemfire Mountains, suggesting their adaptability and widespread presence across varied terrains.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Warklins possess highly developed sensory capabilities suited to their subterranean habitat. Their primary mode of perception is a sophisticated vibration-sensing system within their exoskeleton, allowing them to detect movements and navigate in complete darkness. Additionally, their antennae serve as sensitive organs for detecting chemical signals, enabling communication and environmental assessment. Their eyes, though small, are adapted to low-light conditions, providing sufficient vision to spot prey or threats. This combination of sensory and extrasensory abilities makes Warklins adept hunters and navigators in the depths of their underground world.
Scientific Name
"Terramandibula armatura" for the Maulers, reflecting their powerful mandibles and armored exoskeleton. For the Impalers, "Cornuarmatura venator" to capture their horned weaponry and predatory nature.
Average Height
The Maulers are described as having a height of approximately 5 to 6 feet at the shoulder, showcasing their formidable presence. Impalers, slightly sleeker, stand at about 4 to 5 feet, designed for agility and precision.
Average Weight
Given their size and the dense nature of their chitinous exoskeleton, Maulers weigh in the range of 2,000 to 2,500 pounds, emphasizing their bulk and strength. Impalers, being slightly smaller but still robust, weigh approximately 1,500 to 2,000 pounds, allowing them to maintain agility while still possessing significant physical power.
Average Length
Maulers, given their bulkier build, would measure around 10 to 12 feet in length from head to tail, showcasing their formidable size. Impalers, designed for agility, are slightly shorter, with lengths ranging from 8 to 10 feet, allowing for quick, precise movements in their subterranean hunts.


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