Dragon's Spine Mountains Geographic Location in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Dragon's Spine Mountains

The Dragon's Spine mountains, as they are known by the locals, are a massive range that stretches from the Himhineldar Shel Mountain Range in the west to the edge of the Reshal Sea in the east. The peaks of the range are jagged and rocky, with many of them snow-capped even in the summer months. The weather is harsh and unpredictable, with fierce winds and frequent snowstorms. At lower elevations, the mountains are covered in dense pine forests, and the occasional clearing provides a stunning view of the surrounding landscape.

The centerpiece of the range is the Great Divide, a massive gorge that cuts through the heart of the mountains. The walls of the Divide rise hundreds of feet on either side, and at the bottom, there is nothing but barren rock and sand. The Divide is several miles wide, and some legends say that it was created by the gods themselves, as a way of separating the provinces of Zoluren and Ilithi.
  Some of the most notable peaks in the Dragon's Spine include Mount Norn, Mount Vokul, and Mount Kjolnir. Mount Norn is the tallest peak in the range, rising to an elevation of over 12,000 feet. It is said to be home to a tribe of giants who are fiercely protective of their territory. Mount Vokul is known for its treacherous slopes and frequent avalanches, and it is considered one of the most challenging peaks to climb in the entire range. Mount Kjolnir, on the other hand, is known for the beautiful waterfalls that cascade down its sides, and it is a popular spot for hikers and tourists.
  Despite its beauty, the Dragon's Spine is a dangerous place, and only the bravest and most skilled adventurers dare to venture into its depths. The weather can change in an instant, and there are many hidden dangers lurking in the shadows. Nonetheless, for those who are up to the challenge, the Dragon's Spine offers some of the most breathtaking scenery in all the land.
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