Azmelin Ironhammer Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Azmelin Ironhammer

Known as a beauty by all who behold her, Azmeline Ironhammer (née Oakenheart) comes from a long and enduring line of mercantile Dwarves.  As bloodlines intermingled over the years, it's hard to say where the Oakenheart clan hails from, especially since so many are known as 'road dwarves', travelling in caravanserai from town to town, serving as smiths, coopers, brewers, entertainers, and any other odd job that can be done to earn coin and see the world.

When Azmelin met her now-husband Themmeck Ironhammer in 8AV, they quickly grew enamored with each other and eventually married a few years later.  She produced him two heirs over some 25 years, and all seemed well within their family until, nearly 160 years later, she fell pregnant with another child; a rare, but not unheard-of feat for a woman who was more than two and a half centuries old!

Even as she ages, Azmelin has done so with both grace and dignity; her hair remains the same copper-tone it always was, and shows very little sign of her nearly three centuries.  Many have joked that, when she outlives the rest of the Ironhammer Clan, she'll run off and wed Viscount Grombrindal and enjoy another few centuries.


Themmeck Ironhammer


Towards Azmelin Ironhammer


Azmelin Ironhammer


Towards Themmeck Ironhammer


Current Location
Year of Birth
61 BD 283 Years old
Aligned Organization


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