Enduring Twilight Vehicle in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Enduring Twilight

Of Elven design, the Enduring Twilight was built as a light, maneuverable and agile messenger ship, capable of concentrating an incredible amount of firepower should the enemy close to range.  

  In response to the growing piracy threats of the day, Morganae, the Undying Queen ordered a large number of vessels built to protect Elven interests in the Reshal Sea, as well as a heavy investment in protecting the tradeport of Acenemara.  The Enduring Twilight was commissioned as the fifth ship of the 'Ariendel' class, a purpose-built carrack designed for merchant escort duties, which saw action several times between 202 and it's eventual sinking in 218AV during a skirmish in shallow water off the coast of Hara'Jaal.

She was subsequently raised by the Red Sash Pirates and remains in their use as a pirate vessel, terrorizing the shallower waters of Qi'Reshalia .
Ever faithful in service to the Queen
Owning Organization
36 feet four inches
240 feet 9 inches
106 feet from waterline to mast, with a draft of 22 for a total of 128 feet.
1000 tons
18 knots
Complement / Crew
Designed for approximately 250 sailors and a compliment of 150-200 marines and boarding party.


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