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Hagakure (Hah-ga-KOO-ree)

Hagakure, or 'The Warrior's Code' is a complex system of moral codes involving the behavior, customs, and lifestyle of both the Bushi and the Roshi. Though it does share some tenets and similarities with the ideals of chivalry of the surface world, there are some significant differences.

Hagakure has many principals, but the overarching backbone of it's belief is for Honor in All Things; one must treat their friends, their neighbors, and even their enemies, with honor, and should expect that same courtesy in return.


"The essence of Hagakure is: do not lie, do not be insincere, do not be obsequious, do not be superficial, do not be greedy, do not be rude, do not be boastful, do not be arrogant, do not slander, do not be unfaithful, be on good terms with comrades, do not be overly concerned with events, show concern for one another, be compassionate, with a strong sense of duty. Being a good Bushi takes more than merely a willingness to lay down one's life." — 5th scroll of the Kyona by Saitō Chikamori


Though it has evolved over the many centuries, texts exist outlining the basics of Hagakure that date back to the beginning of the Draconic Age; in fact, a handful of these scrolls are considered some of the oldest existing non-magical documents in all of Kermoria.
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