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A Roshi shares much in common with a Bushi; there are, however, distinct differences, the largest of which being that a Roshi no longer serves any master, as his Hankō has either died with no heir (thus the clan dissolved) or has lost favor with the Taishō and had their Han removed from them.

Typically, a Roshi is a shunned outcast from society, seen as someone who did not have the honor to ritualistically take their own lives (as the code of Hagakure demands) when they lost their masters.  They are, in effect, disgraced.


Unlike those of the Bushi, a Roshi is literally 'a man on his own'.  On occasion, when a Hankō is slain or removed from power, all of his Bushi become Roshi at once, and they will remain together for many years; this is, however, the exception and not the rule, as, most often, the majority of a Hankō's Bushi will honorably take their own lives.

Public Agenda

Many Bushi serve as wandering mercenaries, swords-for-hire and ne'er-do-wells, unafraid to do what others consider dishonorable work.  As a man who has already lost his honor by refusing the code of suicide within Hagakure, many Roshi are willing to perform dark deeds, for a price.

Others see themselves as dead-men-walking, and are willing to undertake seemingly suicidal, foolish tasks (such as facing a dragon, alone), in order to regain their honor.  In this, they share a common brotherhood with the surface world's Cult of the Destroyers, wherein they seek to regain their honor through glorious death in combat.
Guild, Adventuring
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