Ironbreakers Military Formation in Kermoria | World Anvil
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The semi-professional army of Kharhadrim, the Ironbreakers are all that stand between the Dwarf Hold and it's destruction, from marauding greenskins outside The Gate of the Ancestors, to invasion from below via The Underway.



While every dwarf is expected to take up arms and defend hearth and home when necessary, the Ironbreakers are a semi-professional, standing army that serves to protect the city and it's gates.  

The Ironbreakers are segregated into two important groups, The Rangers and The Bulwark.  Their estimated numbers range from 35-50,000.


The Rangers are, typically, outfitted with light chain mail shirts, crossbows, and axes, whereas soldiers of the Bulwark tend to be outfitted in full plate mail, often with a shield and an axe or hammer.  Second-wave members of The Bulwark have taken to calling themselves 'Hammerers', and though they are not technically their own division, they are outfitted with large, double-bitted, two-handed hammers for cracking enemy armor and breaking shield walls.


Above ground, The Rangers patrol outside The Gate of the Ancestors and it's surrounds, keeping the area clear of threats, mostly in the form of marauding greenskins.  They also keep an eye out for any sign of wyrms, as Dragons often attempt to lair within Dwarfholds, as they offer significant protection and, often, a hefty pile of gold for a hoard.

Below ground, in The Underway, their job is, functionally, quite similar, though they are defending against the myriad of threats that exist in the deep places of the world.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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