Library of Eternal Night Building / Landmark in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Library of Eternal Night

The Library of Eternal Night was a place of profound mystery and wonder, shrouded in the enigmatic embrace of perpetual darkness. Nestled deep within the heart of Frostberg, this ancient repository of knowledge defied the very nature of the city's frozen surroundings. It stood as a testament to the enduring thirst for wisdom that thrived even in the harshest of conditions, preserved in eternal twilight amidst the ruins of a once-thriving city.

Veiled in obsidian walls that absorbed light like parchments soaked ink, the Library of Eternal Night appeared as an enigma, a structure where the concepts of day and night lost their meaning. Its architecture was an intricate tapestry of Elven artistry, with intricate carvings of constellations and runes adorning its entrance. Within its depths, countless volumes, scrolls, and tomes once rested upon ebony shelves, brimming with knowledge accumulated over centuries.

In this secluded realm of endless night, scholars, mages, and seekers of wisdom pursued their studies by the luminance of enchanted orbs that floated like stars throughout the space. It was a sanctuary where the secrets of the cosmos were unraveled, and the echoes of countless tales, both forgotten and remembered, resonated in the hushed conversations of those who dared to tread its quiet aisles. Whether in pursuit of ancient eldritch lore or the exploration of celestial phenomena, the Library of Eternal Night was an eternal sanctuary for the inquisitive and the curious, beckoning them into the embrace of its profound obscurity amidst the ruins of Frostberg.

Purpose / Function

The Library of Eternal Night served as a luminous beacon of knowledge within the frigid confines of Frostberg. It was a sanctuary dedicated to the preservation, exploration, and dissemination of wisdom, ranging from arcane tomes to historical chronicles. Yet, it was its particular focus on celestial knowledge and the mysteries of the night sky that set it apart.

Primarily, the library was a center of astronomical research and celestial observation. Its lofty towers were equipped with sophisticated telescopes and celestial charts, enabling scholars to meticulously record the movements of the stars, planets, and other celestial phenomena. This dedication to astronomy was not merely a scholarly pursuit but also a spiritual one, reflecting the Elven reverence for the night sky and its heavenly bodies. The Library of Eternal Night's astronomers and astrologers were responsible for interpreting celestial patterns and guiding the city's rituals and festivals according to their findings.

Beyond celestial studies, the library was a repository for a wide spectrum of knowledge. It housed a diverse collection of texts on magic, history, literature, and philosophy, making it an invaluable resource for scholars and researchers. The intertwining of astronomy and magic was particularly notable, as the library's mages harnessed the power of the stars and moon in their arcane practices.

While serving as an intellectual center, the Library of Eternal Night also played a crucial role in education. It welcomed aspiring mages, scholars, and philosophers from Frostberg and beyond, providing them with access to rare texts and expert guidance. Its scholars and librarians offered lectures and seminars, ensuring that the pursuit of knowledge remained a thriving tradition in the city.

During Frostberg's prosperous years, the library's role extended to safeguarding the collective history of the Elven city. It was the repository of chronicles, annals, and personal diaries, offering insight into the city's past and its connection to the celestial realm.

In its very existence, the Library of Eternal Night embodied the resilience and enduring thirst for wisdom in the face of Northguard's harsh conditions. Even amid the city's tragic decline, its purpose as a bastion of knowledge would echo through the ages, awaiting the day when the darkness receded, and the pursuit of wisdom could be rekindled.


The Library of Eternal Night in Frostberg, now a ruin of its former glory, was an architectural masterpiece that reflected the Elven reverence for the celestial realm. Its design seamlessly merged both form and function, creating a space that was as awe-inspiring as it was academically significant.

At the heart of the library's architecture were the celestial towers, a series of interconnected circular structures that reached skyward. These towers served as observation points for the cosmos and were adorned with intricate spires that resembled the crowns of ancient astronomers. The grandest tower housed the library's primary telescope and featured celestial motifs, including star-shaped windows, which symbolized portals to the heavens.

The outer façade of the celestial towers was constructed from a blue-gray stone native to the Northguard region. This stone, known for its resilience against the relentless cold, shone like the night sky, giving the library a celestial aura. Stained glass panels in vibrant blue and purple hues depicted constellations, moon phases, and celestial events, further emphasizing the library's celestial theme.

The library's spiraling staircases with delicately crafted railings connected the celestial towers and levels, resembling swirling galaxies. The Crystal Atrium at the heart of the library featured a shimmering floor composed of magical crystal, which mimicked the phases of the moon and cast an ever-changing light throughout the central area.

One of the library's most striking features was the Astral Dome, a glass-enclosed space that provided a serene sanctuary for nighttime stargazing. Its ceiling resembled the starry night sky, allowing scholars and visitors to connect with the cosmos in a peaceful setting.

The Library of Eternal Night's design was a fusion of architectural brilliance and functional elegance. It was a place where knowledge and spiritual connection merged harmoniously, and its architecture remains an enduring testament to a bygone era, a cosmic masterpiece in the frozen tundra.
Founding Date
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