Frostberg Settlement in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Frostberg was a prosperous Elven city located in the frozen northern continent of Northguard. At its peak, the city had a population of around 10,000 inhabitants and was known for its beautiful architecture, thriving economy, and unique culture. However, the city met its untimely demise in the summer of 222 when it was sacked, pillaged, and razed by a group of nomadic warriors known as the Blood Eagles.


Frostberg was a well-defended city. It was surrounded by a high wall made of stone and ice that was over 20 feet tall. The wall was reinforced with towers and gates that were guarded by the city's militia.

The city also had a system of underground tunnels that could be used to move troops and supplies in secret. These tunnels were only known to a select few, and their existence was a closely guarded secret.


Frostberg was a city of great beauty and grandeur. The architecture was ornate and unique, reflecting the Elven culture that flourished there. The city was divided into four main districts: the residential district, the market district, the religious district, and the civic district.

The residential district was where most of the city's inhabitants lived. The houses were made of wood and stone and were arranged in a grid pattern. The streets were wide and clean, and there were several parks and gardens for the residents to enjoy.
  The market district was where the city's merchants and craftsmen plied their trades. The market was held every day and was a bustling hub of activity. The district also had several shops and stalls selling a variety of goods, from food to clothing to jewelry.
  The religious district was the heart of the city's spiritual life. It was home to several temples and shrines dedicated to the Elven gods. The most impressive temple was the Temple of the Stars, which was dedicated to the goddess of the night sky.
  The civic district was where the city's government was located. It was home to the city hall, the courthouse, and several other administrative buildings.


Frostberg was located in a region of Northguard that was characterized by its harsh, frozen landscape. The city was situated on a plain surrounded by mountains, and it was close to the edge of a massive glacier.

The surrounding area was dotted with lakes, rivers, and forests, and it was home to a variety of wildlife, including caribou, wolves, and bears. The region was also prone to frequent snowstorms and blizzards, which made travel difficult and dangerous.
  Despite its remote location and challenging environment, Frostberg was a thriving city that was admired for its beauty, culture, and resilience. Today, it stands as a testament to the Elven people's ingenuity and determination, and it is remembered as one of the greatest cities built on Northguard.


Large town
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