The Triplets Geographic Location in Kermoria | World Anvil
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The Triplets

The three concentric peaks of Halfdan, Torsten and Elriik stand tall over Winterpyre, casting their shadow until well after noon in the early spring months.

Though it is unclear how they formed in such close proximity, it is said in local myths that they were once one mountain, shattered and sundered by the waking of one of the great beasts of The Old World.

Each mountain is named for one of the heroes of Giant culture, who, according to legend, slew the great beast; it's foretelling lay, of course, in the fact that there were three heroes and three peaks.

Between the peaks lies a single mountain pass, leading to a small off-shoot summit where a monastery dedicated to the barbaric God of Slaughter, Trothfang once stood; in early 222, the monastery was destroyed by marauding bands of trolls, with no clear reason as to why.
Mountain / Hill
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