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Øyåslăichu (Oyaslaichu ,ˈøjɶsɶ̆ˈyʨʌ)

Name Meaning: Scream Song

Øyåslăichu is an herbivore, and almost the whole diet consists of grasses. Water is an essential requirement.

Basic Information


The øyåslăichus have a piglike face with horns that extend out and up from their head which are displayed in both sexes. They also have a stiff bristled mane with long fur hanging from their chin to their belly with a long, furred, taIl akin to a wildebeest and cloven hooves.   Øyåslăichus have a unique ability, in the form of their large vocal cords which can produce sound frequency up to 140 decibels, the øyåslăichu uses this ability to avoid predation.

Ecology and Habitats

Øyåslăichuph are found in the warmer parts of Ketron in the Swamps and Plains where they eat the grass   Øyåslăichuph are usually hunted by œḷdøushe and the occasional group of Adhzhø Ø̆ḷdå, although øyåslăichuph can't truly fight off an experienced œḷdøushe, but it does have a tactic for less experienced œḷdøushe and some of the Adhzhø Ø̆ḷdå pack member. It uses it's vocal cords to produce a type of screeching groan that usually stuns the target for a moment as the øyåslăichu can get one blow out on the attacker making them either flee or keep their distance less they want to be stunned again.

Dietary Needs and Habits

øyåslăichu are predominantly grazers, preferring short grass but also eats water grass when in the swamps if grass isn't available the øyåslăichu will feed on shrubs and dug up roots. øyåslăichu also lick the ground or rock for sodium.


Øyåslăichuph are mainly sluggish beasts preferring to spend their day eating or sleep, but don't be fooled as prey animals Øyåslăichus will attack anything they perceive as a threat usually using their horns for defense, but will use they screaming ability if the situation deems it.
Scientific Name
Choertaurus Choerops
35 years
Average Height
øyåslăichuph stand at 5 foot 7 inches showing no difference in height between males and females
Average Weight
øyåslăichuph weight 550 lb
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Øyåslăichuph color range from gray, or even grayish-brown with dark brown markings on the tip of their tail; the top of their snout, bottom of their chin, and bottom of their underbelly with stripes from top to bottom from their neck to ribs. with bluish Grey horns.

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