
Goddess of Battle

Dagora is the daughter of Vala. At seventeen, Vala turned her into a human because he wanted her to prove her worth as a deity. She excelled in battle and was chosen to lead the Elvish army. Vala restored her divine power after she successfully led the Elvish people to the most outstanding victory they have seen—winning a war with no survivors from the opposition.   Elvish warriors often keep an altar for Dagora in their home. In order to receive her blessing of strength during their lives, warriors must burn their most powerful weapon with an eternal flame during their inaugural battle. If they try to trick Dagora while attempting to earn this blessing, she will curse them in battle, which often leads to getting killed. If they succeed, they are in the favor of Dagora, who then requires a weekly drop of blood into her eternal flame. If the warrior fails to complete this ritual, they will lose Dagora’s favor and her blessing of strength, unable to re-earn it for seventeen moon cycles.
Divine Classification


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