
The Reigning One

Vala was born an elf who dedicated his life to seeking the communion with the mystical Taure. During the time of his life, the elvish people were taught of Taure as an ancient deity, one whose power had faded. Vala, however, felt the presence of Taure in the jungle and began to seek companionship with The Divine Forest by performing twice daily rituals—one that promoted regenerative growth in the jungle and the other that showed reverence for the bounty (choosing the best part of each meal to add to a compost pile).   On his one hundredth day of the rituals, Taure appeared to Vala in the form of a jaguar, and then led Vala through the forest to the vine of the soul, a plant rumored to turn an Elf into a deity (though no elf other than Vala had been able to find this mystical plant). Once Vala ate the vine of the soul, he ascended to Siderin. Taure gave him the title “The Reigning One” and instructed Vala to serve the Elvish people by bestowing divinity on those worthy of worship.   Vala is the most powerful of the Endaril (other than Taure), and if an elf earns Vala’s favor, they are made a community priest. That said, it is notoriously difficult to earn Vala’s favor (and there is no “right” way to go about earning Vala’s favor).   Vala is able to have children without intercourse. Vala’s children are born when the Elvish people come to Vala with a need. Vala’s children, though born with some divine power, must live as a natural elf and then earn their godhood by succeeding in their area of chosen expertise.
Divine Classification


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