
The Mother

Known as the First One and also as the Mother, Elteriel is a pivotal deity to her followers, offering not only a guiding light but also a sense of comfort, warmth, and protection. Renowned for her nurturing nature, she is revered by her followers for her purported emergence during an unforgiving winter, where she is believed to have provided warmth and sustenance to the beleaguered humans.   Elteriel's image is that of a benevolent mother figure, ever-watchful and ever-caring. Followers believe that she is the source of all life, from the smallest seed to the grandest mountain, and that she bestows her warmth on all beings without discrimination.  



The first accounts of Elteriel's worship date back to a time when ancient humans struggled against a harsh, frigid winter. As the cold persisted, food became scarce, and hope was slowly fading. According to the ancient texts, it was at this crucial juncture that Elteriel revealed herself, providing warmth and food to the suffering humans.   With her arrival, the seemingly endless winter subsided, and spring arrived, bringing life and warmth back to the world. From then on, Elteriel became known as the deity who saved humanity from the great winter, and worship of her quickly spread.  

Role in the Elterian Pantheon

As the first among the Old Ones, Elteriel holds a significant place in the religious structure. Her wisdom and compassion influence all aspects of life for her followers. The other gods in the pantheon are believed to be her offspring or creations, each embodying different facets of life and nature, but all acknowledging Elteriel as their Progenitor and guide.   Elteriel's followers celebrate her during numerous annual festivals, each marking a turning point in the seasons. The most significant of these is the "Spring's Dawn" festival, held at the end of winter, marking the time when Elteriel is believed to have first appeared to humans.  

Worship Among the Halflings

The halflings regard Elteriel as the Mother in their belief system known as the Kith & Kin. This faith emphasizes the significance of familial bonds and community. As the Mother, Elteriel is viewed as the ultimate caregiver, ensuring the safety, warmth, and comfort of her "children."   Halfling homes often have a small shrine dedicated to Elteriel, usually located in the kitchen or near the hearth, symbolizing her role as a provider of sustenance and warmth. Prayers to Elteriel are a common part of their daily routine, and thanking her for meals is a widespread practice.   Elteriel's worship as the Mother has significantly influenced Halfling culture. It has fostered a strong sense of community and mutual care, with an emphasis on hospitality and generosity, reflecting the benevolent nature of Elteriel herself.

Divine Domains

Creation, Generosity, Protection
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Current Residence
Ruled Locations


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